Chapter One Hundred Seventy-Five: Wendigo

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When the team got separated by the Wendigo, Castiel went after the creature but was stopped by God.

'Father! Dean is in trouble and could be killed.'

'Dean will not die today. You must stand back and watch, but do not interfere. This event and other future ones must occur to bring about the man your charge will become. I will allow you to watch at times, but you must not follow your instincts to step in. His life must follow this course so he will become the Righteous Man.'

'Righteous Man? Father, Dean is the one the prophecy speaks of?'

'Yes, my son. Do not prevent what must happen.'

'Father, the Righteous Man will go....'

'If you allow events to take their course, you will bring him out.'

The angel stopped tracking the Wendigo and sat under a tree, shock flowing through him. How could he allow this to happen when Dean had already been through so much? How would it happen? God's servant grew angry and cried out in rage. Father allowed him to vent, knowing His servant would need to be calm in order to be capable of becoming the friend of the Righteous Man. Dean Winchester would need him.


Dean fired the flare gun and watched the creature burn from the inside. He hurt but ignored it, going towards his brother and the Collins family.

"Let's get of here," the eldest hunter stated.

The Winchesters helped Tommy Collins get out of the cave. It took a couple of hours to get back to the Impala and Haley Collins' car. Dean found another cell in the glove box and called the ranger's station. Within a half hour, park rangers and an ambulance were on site.

The hunter watched the ambulance pull away and a park ranger drive off with Haley's car. He turned as his brother walked up.

"They'll be fine, Dean."

"Yeah, they will be," the older man commented, still feeling the kiss Haley had bestowed upon him. He smiled.

"I'm driving," the younger brother stated.

Dean's smile grew wider. He hurt like hell, but they were a team. At least for now.

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