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  • Dedicated to Every Girl :)

Every girl is Beautiful.

It just takes the Right Guy to see it.

Every girl deserves to be a princess.

A hug is all a girl needs.

Because until a girl finds The One,

E stands for Empty.

Dream, as if you'll Live forever.

Live as if you Die tomorrow.

Create your own memories.

Follow your Heart,

Chase your Dreams.

V stands for Vagous.

The Truth hurts, but it doesn't Kill,

the Lie pleases, but it doesn't Heal.

A Truth may hurt for a little,

but a Lie hurts Forever.

In the end, Everything works out.

E still stands for Empty.

Just because you don't Cry,

doesn't mean your Heart won't.

Just because you come off strong,

doesn't mean something isn't wrong.

Don't try to fix it, your Heart isn't broken.

R stands for Recrudescence.

Stop being what everyone Wants you to be.

People will Hate you, Rate you,

Break you, and Shake you,

How strong you stand, Makes You.

It doesn't matter what other people think about you.

Y stands for Yare.

Life is about Creating yourself.

Live with no Excuses,

and Love with no Regrets.

If people are Trying to bring you Down,

it only means that you are Above them.

G stands for Gained.

We would be Happier with what we Have,

if we weren't so Unhappy about what we don't Have.

The Happiest people in Life

Don't have it all.

They just make the Best out of what they have.

I stands for intoxicated.

When you finally let go of the Past,

something Better comes along.

Close your Eyes.

Clear your Heart.

Let it Go.

R still stands for Recrudescence.

You have to Hurt in order to Know.

Fall in order to Grow.

Loose in order to Gain.

Most of lifes Lessons are Learned through Pain.

Grow Stronger from Pain, don't let it Destroy you.

L stands for Lady.

EVERY GIRL deserves a chance to Live

Life to the fullest. So Live it.

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