Bowling is more then just throwing a ball

59 0 0

I walk up to the small platform just above the floor,

Find my spot on the wooden boards.

The second last small brown dot closest to the lane.

I set the twelve pound ball in my hands,

feeling the smooth familiar surface.

I quickly found the three holes with my right hand,

inserting my middle and ring fingers first.

Then placing my thumb into the almost too large thumb hole.

I set the purple and black orb next to my waist,

holding it up with my left and right hands.

Concentrating ever so carefully to the second arrow on the right.

I started to walk slowly towards the lane,

pulling the ball in my right hand back with the force of gravity.

I walked four steps, letting gravity take my ball with it.

Letting go at just the right moment.

Finding that your standing in just the right position.

The ball smoothly slides down the lane,

hitting the exact arrow it was supposed to.

Watching as the ball slams into the

pure white pins with red strips.

Everything happens so fast,

but before you know it,

all the pins are down, and you walk

back to where you once sat,

waiting for you turn to come again,

feeling accomplished and succesful.

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