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They came closer and closer.

Creating a haunting sound as

they walked. I tried to run. Tried

to get away as fast as possible.

But they just kept coming.

It didn't matter how fast I ran,

they just continued coming.

They killed my family, and are

now coming for me. I didn't do

anything. We were just living our

lives. Just the normal American

family making their way through life.

And look, now its all ruined.

I didn't want to die. Not yet, I

was still only fourteen. I haven't

even lived to see the real world.

Why do people do this? Destroy

others lives?

They were almost to me. I raced

down the gravel road away from our

house and where the bodies of

my family lie. I wanted to go back.

be with them. If I was going to die,

I wanted it to atleast be with my family.

I felt one of them grab me by the neck.

I was thrown down, and felt the blade

peirce my body. This is the end, I thought.

Here comes my death. Please, come for

me. I want to be taken to where my

family lies.

I want to be with them. To hear

their laughing voices agian. To smell

the familiar scent that ensconces my

parents. To entwine their hands in mine,

and feel the different sensations of their

skin. I want to look at all of their beautiful

faces and smile at them, just like the old


The warm liquid slowly oozed its way

out of my body. I could hear another

voice of laughter as they sliced into

my skin again. I smelt my attackers

colonge, it reminded me of my brothers.

I felt yet another blade peirce me, this

time it went deep into my heart. I

looked up in pure agony to see

my attacker in full light.

But what hurt most of all, wasn't

the sharp blade peircing into my

flesh, it was my


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