Love is all around

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                                                     We waste our                                  lives looking for it.

                                               Trying to find the one.                      But we don't realize that

                                           we already have it. It lurks                between friends. Hiding under

                                       the surface of our skin. It creeps       ever so quietly through each blood

                                    vessel, letting us create emotions towards our family.  But it also chains us.

                                    Stops us from being who we could be. Stops the time, changing the clocks

                                      so that it satisfies those who hold it. Not everyone feels it though. Some

                                         people go day by day, trying to fulfil the needs of others. They block

                                             their emotions though. Stopping the love from getting to their

                                                  souls. Making them feel empty inside. That isn't the 

                                                       way any person should have to live. We need

                                                           to show and tell people how much they

                                                               deserve. How much they already

                                                                   have. So tell someone. Tell

                                                                       them how much you

                                                                             love them. 


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