Goodbye Comes Before Hello

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It stuck to me like undried glue.

Not quite sticky, but still hard to get off.

I ran, trying to get out of it, but due to

the slippery ground, I fell.

My backpack slipped off my shoulder,

going into the street.

I fell into the snow bank.

Rolling further and further

down the steep sledding hill.

A large chunk of hidden ice rammed

into my head. I became suddenly

disoriented. Up and down

became left and right.

All that I wanted was death.

I could already feel the blood

gathering in my hair.

When it finally stopped, all that

I could wish for came true.

Blacking out meant that I

didn't have to suffer through

the pain. The realization of what

was going on.

He saw her. Running through the

snow, Trying to not get too wet in

the slushy weather. He was going

to ask her if she wanted a ride home.

They new each other from school,

although he wasn't quite sure if

she new who he was.

He blinked, trying to get a better look of her.

But when his eyes opened again,

her backpack had found its way to the

road, and she fell into the large

sledding hill. He automatically

stopped the car, ran to where she fell.

A trail of red started to follow her down,

and that was when he new what he had to do.

He jumped into the freezing cold white, and

ran as fast as he could down the hill, careful

not to slip down the icy sections. 

When he finally made it to her, she had already

stopped moving from her fall. He sat down next to

her, calling nine one one, and hoping to get help immediately.

They asked for the problem, and needed

answers which he gave right away.

Keeping his hand on her heart the whole time,

he held her tight to his body, hoping she wouldn't

die of hypothermia. This couldn't be happening,

he thought to himself. Not her. It just couldn't

be her. She was too special. She was the


But by the time everyone got there,

she was gone. Had lost her life to the

cold frigged air of January. She lost too

much blood, and no matter how close he

held her to his body, she just couldn't

warm up. She wouldn't come back to him.

The cops had tried to pull him off of her,

but it was futile. He wouldn't let go and they

thought it best to let him have a few minutes.

To let his emotions flow, and say goodbye to

the girl he never got to say hello to.

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