Dear Mom and Dad

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A/N pardon the little french I use in the following.

Stop looking in the damn

mirror for once in your life!

You stand and act

like you love me, but your false

facades are easy to see threw.

I feel as though a child in your presence.

Like I was a fool to believe you

loved me.

It's always been

about the other one. The perfect

child; who although he doesn't

work his ass off for you, gets

all the glory.

I feel ashamed of myself because

you say I don't try.

You whisper your words of anger

at me with your lips, but scream

your denial at me with your tongue.

I have been dropped at your doorstep,

a mere child trying to survive. But you

have broken me. Torn me until nothing

is left.

I should be climbing the

mountain, instead, I am still trying

to feel the suns warmth. Drowning

due to lack of oxygen. Dying

due to lack

of love.

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