Compliments have become hidden in shadow

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We hide in the shadows,

afraid of what you might think of us.

Snuggled deap in the folds of you minds,

and souls.

We don't want to be shunned from others.

So why don't we just I hide ourselves altogther?

You barely know of our exsitence.

You consider us a legend.

But we are no legend.

We are here, hidden behind the lies.

Oh yes, those Lies. They cloud

who you really are.

They cloud your sight from us.

We should be the first ones you see.

The first one's that pop into that

mind of yours every time you look back here.

But no, you just let those rumors fly,

allow those lies to free from your cage.

When you let one of us go,

you will see how beautiful we really are.

How much we help the world,

how much we improve the lives of others.

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