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is like a

dream. You

think you see it,

but in reality the star

Is already dead. It has served its purpose, fooling you into think you had a dream.

Making you believe you have a chance at making your dream come true. But

No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to reach it. It's too far

for you to reach. Too high for you to climb. There are just those 

lucky few who chose just the right star to chase after, just

the right choices and had just the right amount of luck. We can't

change the past that has already been written, and we can't make our

dreams come back to life, but what we can do, is pick another star, and try

to dream another dream. A better dream, where it is reachable so

that we can become stronger, and evolve to be a better

people. So don't just choose a random dream that

is imposible to reach, choose a dream that

is makeable, one that you can reach.

Be the person you were

meant to be, and



30 day challengeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ