Dating only Creates Pain

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  • Dedicated to Delenn Kerkhof

You know that feeling of being left out?

You know that feeling when your best friend starts dating?

How about when they start dating someone you don't exactly approve of?

When your freshman friend starts dating a senior?

It hurts. And although they may say I'm jealous, I'm not.

I have made my decisions not to date, and I am proud of them.

I don't want to see them get hurt, whether we're close or not.

And I'm not even sure what type of a friend they are to me anyways.

But no one should become lost in blind love.

No friend should have to watch the ones they love hurt themselves,

and all for what? Someone they think they feel a connection with?

Fact. Two percent of all high school relationships last after school.

I'm not saying that you can't date while in high school.

I just want to make sure you don't do so foolishly,

because I don't want you, or your friends have to go through the pain.

I don't want you to feel the pain that I have to go through.

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