Leaving for Collage

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A/N~ Up to over 400 reads since the last poem!! Thanks for all your great comments and for following my 30 day challenge!! It means a lot to me that you guys follow my poems, and I promise you more interesting poems are coming up!! :)

I was standing there.

Staring at the place where I grew up.

There were so many memories.

All locked up in it.

The walls told their own stories

from the chairs and tables.

Each item had its own story to tell.

I heard a footstep come up from behind myself.

Gentle arms wrapped around me.

I knew I was going to miss this.

I wanted to get on with my life, yes.

But I didn't want to leave behind my childhood.

This was my home.

It's not irreplaceable.

You can't replicate my life over again.

Sadness filled my eyes.

I took a quick glance towards

the face owning the arms.

My mom was watching with me.

Taking in the last moment with her only child.

But it won't be the last.

I will still come home.

I didn't want to forget my past.

Fore where would my future be,

without my past?

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Mom looked at me,

a small tear sliding down her cheek.

"How do you know?"

"Because your my daughter.

I raised you. Your smart,

beautiful, charming, brave,

and most of all,

your loving towards those around you."

I never thought I would hear that.

My arms wrapped around my Mom.

We stood there.

I don't know how long,

but when we let each other go,

I left with a dust trial.

But I wasn't really leaving.

I would always have them in my heart.

My memories would always be with me.

And I still had my future to look forward to.

Goodbye home.

Hello collage.

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