From Insanity to "No"

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It felt as though I couldn't breathe.

I was stuck in place.

Frozen to the chair of which

my butt was throned upon.

It was amazing I hadn't yet fainted.

They all stood around me,

eyes like a hawk and

words like a knife to my weak soul.

It was a wonder I didn't faint yet.

Every second that passed by seemed

to last for an eternity.

They would all destroy my reputation

if I didn't do this.

But it isn't the right thing to do.

Is risking my rep worth hurting

others feelings?

Is it really worth it?

I looked up at them,

suddenly realized what I had to do.


They all looked at me as if I had gone

insane. But they were wrong.

They were the ones who had gone

to the depths of insanity.

Some of these people need to learn

that it isn't worth doing all these stupid things.

They need to learn not to give into the

pressures of the world.

They need to learn to say


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