My Sixteenth Moon

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  • Dedicated to Cori Fredericks

The darkness was getting closer.

Closing in on me.

I couldn't get away from it.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe.

If it continued like this, I would die soon...

I couldn't continue thinking about that.

If I did, then realtiy would set in.

And I would have to face it alone.

My hot tears ran down my cheeks.

Making their way to my chin,

and slowly falling onto my shirt.

I couldn't let this happen.

I didn't want to be dark like the rest.

All of my family has been dark before me.

I didn't want that to happen.

But I knew as I looked through this darkness,

that my eyes had already turned yellow.

The eyes of the evil.

The eyes of a dark Caster.

A/N~ If you have ever read any of the Beautiful Creatures books series, you know what this is all about. :)

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