Chapter 37: Megumi vs. Nue Pt. 2

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Nue's POV

"What will you do Nue?" Megumi asked me as she laughed. I glared up at her. Damn it all. This drug is preventing me from getting up. No, I have to try. I shakily put a hand on my knee and tried to get up.

"Looks like you still have a bit of strength. I think I'll play with you until the drug completely kills you." Megumi said as she took out a kunai. Man, she sounds like Genshi. Using my speed, I punched her in the face.

She skidded back and landed on her back. I fell to my knees and panted. I've got to get this drug out of me. Or at least extinguish it. But what can I do? I watched as Megumi sat up and wiped blood off the corner of her mouth.

That's when I got an idea. I did some hand signs and created Raging Fang. Megumi laughed at me. "If that thing didn't work on me the first time, what makes you think it'll work the second time?" She mocked. I smirked.

"I didn't say it was for you." I said. I shakily placed Raging Fang on my chest. "What are you doing?" Megumi demanded. I shut my eyes and charged my Raging Fang. I screamed in pain as electricity shot through my body. 

When it faded, I fell face first into the ground. "Since the opponent is unable to continue, the winner of this match is-"

"Who says I'm unable to continue? I'm just getting started." I interrupted Genma. I slowly got up from the ground and glared at Megumi. Her face turned into a twisted, creepy smile. "Amazing! Totally awesome! I didn't think you would get rid of the poison by hurting yourself!" She cheered, excitedly.  

Megumi began to giggle as a blush formed on her face before running at me with a kunai knife. As I regained my strength, I charged at her. "I knew it! I knew it!" Megumi screamed, excitedly as she fought me. I kicked her in the stomach as I could feel my eyes changing color.

As she got back up, I lunged myself at her and pinned her to the ground, my knife against her throat. She stared at me emotionlessly. I glared at her, expecting her to say something. "Kill me." Megumi said, calmly. I raised my kunai near my head.

"Kill me and go back to your original self!" Megumi yelled, happily. "Nue Houjuu!" I brought the kunai down to her face but stopped when I heard a voice ring out to me. "How would you like to be apart of our family?"

The kunai knife was just inches from Megumi's eye. She seemed surprised when I stopped. 'Why am I hesitating?' I thought. Megumi smirked before kicking me off of her, causing me to roll off of her body. I raised my kunai knife and looked back .

I saw Megumi running off so she could create some distance between us. I screamed in pain as I grabbed my head. "Why would I be afraid?" I heard my mother's words. "Luna!" I shouted, angrily. I threw my kunai knife on the ground.

My hair covered my eyes as my head was lowered. I heard Megumi chuckle and walk over to me. "It's her fault." I muttered. I felt a punch get delivered to my head. I fell to the ground and got on my hands and knees, my eye color returning to red.

"You're pathetic. And to think I got you to return." Megumi said. I stared at the ground and remained silent. "Oh, well. Goodbye, Nue." Megumi said. She kicked me in the stomach and I rolled on my back. She chuckled before straddling my stomach.

"A monster like you doesn't deserve to live." Megumi whispered in my ear. She raised her fist and punched me. She kept doing that for a while until she stopped, my face bloodied and bruised. Megumi smiled wickedly and grabbed the front of my cloak.

"It's time I got to see the real you." She murmured. I gasped as she yanked off my cloak, revealing my wings and tails. I heard people from the audience gasp and say things like, "What are those things?" Megumi smirked and whispered, "That's much better."

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