Chapter 14: The Bell Test Pt. 1

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Nue's POV

"He's late!" Naruto said, looking left and right down the hallway. "I'm bored!" Kiyoshi whined. "Then, do something." I told him. "But there'sss nothing to do in here!" He complained. I sighed. It is pretty boring in here. What can we do while we wait?

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bag of Kiyoshi's treats. They were just berries that Sharon had stuffed in my suitcase. "Here. Snack on these until our jonin teacher gets here." I said, putting some in front of him.

"Fine by me." He said as he was already starting to munch on them. I smiled at him. My greedy old snake. "Hey! What are you doing?" I heard Sakura say. I looked up and saw Naruto standing on top of a desk, placing an eraser between the door and the wall.

"That's what he gets for being late." Naruto said as he jumped down from the desk. "Ooh. Now thisss'll be entertaining." Kiyoshi said with excitement. "I don't think our sensei's going to fall for a cheap trick like that." I said.

"You can never be ssssure." Kiyoshi hissed. I put Kiyoshi's treats back in my pocket since he was done eating them. I saw a hand on the door and our sensei came in. Unfortunately, the eraser actually did fall on his head when he walked in.

I sweat dropped. And this guy's a jonin? "Ha! I totally got him!" Naruto said, laughing. "I'm sorry, sensei. I told him not to do it." Sakura apologized. "And yet deep down, sssshe wanted it to happen." Kiyoshi said.

I took a look at our sensei. He had gray, gravity-defying hair and wore his headband over his left eye. He also wore a mask and a jonin vest. Wait a minute, have I seen him somewhere before? "Well, my first impression of this group... is you're all a bunch of idiots." He said.

Everyone went gloomy as I stayed silent and Kiyoshi laughed. "OK. Everyone meet me on the roof." He said and disappeared to the roof. I did the same. "Hmm. That was fast." Kakashi said once he saw me. I stared at him.

"Um... Is there something wrong?" He asked. I didn't answer as I continued to stare at him. I gasped. "You're the guy who helped me to my apartment!" I said, happily, pointing at him. I think his name was Kakashi. 

He cocked his head to the side before straightening up. "Oh, now I remember you. Nue, was it?" He said. I nodded my head. "Well, Nue. It's nice to see you again." He said smiling. Or at least I think he was smiling.

It was hard to tell because he had that mask over his mouth and nose. I smiled back. A moment later, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke came in. We all sat down on the steps. I sat next to Naruto. "Why don't you start by introducing yourselves?" Kakashi-sensei suggested.

"Introduce ourselves?" Naruto repeated. "You know. Things you like. Things you hate. Hobbies. Dreams for the future. Stuff like that." Kakashi-sensei said as he crossed his arms. He sounded a little bored when he said that, if you ask me.

"Well, why don't you go first so we know how it goes?" Naruto suggested. Kakashi nodded and went first. But all we really heard was his name. Everything else he left blank. Then, Naruto went first.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I like ramen and my hobbies are taking different kinds of ramen and comparing them. I dislike having to wait for the water to heat for when you have to pour it," Is ramen all he ever talks about?

"And my dream for the future," He continued. "Is to be the greatest Hokage! So then everyone will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I'm somebody." He finished. 'Aww' I thought. "I'm sure you'll be a great Hokage, Naruto!" I said, hugging him.

Naruto's face went red and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly with a grin. "All right, next one." Kakashi said. "Hi, I'm Sakura Haruno! What I like is.... err, I mean the person I like is...." She glanced over at Sasuke, making me roll my eyes.

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