Chapter 3: 6 Years Later/Birthday Bash Pt. 1

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Iri's POV

I woke up and looked towards the window as sunlight poured into my room. I sat up with a yawn before stretching. After I was done stretching, I got out of bed and wrapped my white robe around me. I went out into the hallway and spotted Nue's room down the hall.

Quietly, I made my way to her door. I opened her door, making it squeak quietly, and saw my imouto's sleeping figure. I grinned to myself before tiptoeing over to her bed. When I got close to her, I saw her holding her stuffed rabbit tightly as if someone was gonna take it away from her.

I sweat dropped at the scene, but it made me blush a little. '5 years and she still hasn't let go of that thing' I thought. Mother bought Nue that toy when she turned seven. Oh, how happy she was when she got that cute plush.

Nue shifted and faced me, which snapped me out of my thoughts. I smirked and got in position. "Here goes nothing." I whispered. I jumped up in the air and landed on Nue while screaming, "TIME TO GET UP, IMOUTO!!!!"

Nue's eyes snapped open and screamed before frantically looking around the room. When her eyes landed on me, she gave me a death glare. I grinned at her with a giggle. "Good morning, Nue." I greeted, the grin not leaving my face as I playfully poked her nose.

Nue stared at me for a moment before giving me a smirk. This gave me suspicions because she's the type that likes to keep secrets from me. Well, sometimes. Before I could ask her about her smirk, she grabbed one of her pillows and started hitting me with it repeatedly.

I laughed as she did this. When she stopped, I smirked back at her. I got on top of my sister and started tickling her. Tickling has always been one of Nue's weaknesses. She began laughing so hard, there were tears in her eyes. "Do you give up?" I asked, still tickling her.

"N-N-Never!" She managed to cry out. I continued to tickle her some more. Nue laughed even harder as more tears began to roll down her cheeks. "How about now?" I asked. "Y-Yes! I-I g-g-give up!" She screamed out.

I tickled her for a few more seconds, then finally let her go. Nue began gasping for air while coughing a little. "Did you enjoy your wakeup call?" I asked while holding a grin. "No way." She replied once she found her voice. 

I watched as Nue got out of her bed and made her way over to her closet. She pulled out her black slippers and her open-back, black robe I got her when she turned 10. That way, her red wings and blue tails could breathe. 

Over the years, I've noticed how big her wings and tails have gotten. I've also wondered where she came from and how she got them. "So, Nue. Do you know what day it is?" I asked her as I sat on the edge of her bed.

"Wednesday." She answered.

"Yes, but try again. Like, think really hard."

"Um... Hump day?"

I sighed before grabbing one of her pillows. "Wrong!" I said before chucking the pillow at her. It hit her square in the face and she fell to the ground, landing on her butt. "Nue, it's your birthday!" I practically screamed at her. 

Nue was famous for forgetting things. Sure, she remembers important things like her chores and stuff like that, but she can't remember her own birthday? Man, oh man. "Oh, sorry. My bad." She said, looking a bit clueless as she scratched the back of her head sheepishly.

'She's gonna hate this once we get downstairs' I thought. "Come on. Mother is waiting for us downstairs." I said as I dragged her out of her room and down the stairs. Nue always got lost when she wandered the house alone.

When she was 9, I found her on the second floor, crying in the hallway. So as you can see, she doesn't like to be left alone, especially in isolated places. But she's twelve now, so I think she can handle it. We got downstairs and made our way towards the kitchen. 

Once I flicked on the light switch, there was a loud "SURPRISE!!!"

Nue's POV

When Iri flicked on the light switch, I heard a loud "SURPRISE!!!" I blinked in surpise when I saw Okaa-san, our maids, Sharon and Julia, and a big cake. There were streamers everywhere and a banner that read, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NUE!'

My name was written in red, black, and blue colors; my favorite colors. I turned to my Onee-chan and playfully punched her arm. Iri knows damn well that I hate surprises. I keep telling her that it's going to give me a heart attack someday. "Arigato, Minna." I said.

Iri grabbed my hand and pulled me towards everyone. When we reached the table, I saw that the cake had red icing. The icing spelled out 'Happy 12th Birthday, Nue' There were twelve blue candles lit and there was a black bat in the center of the cake. 

"Make a wish, Nue-sama." Sharon said, smiling. I closed my eyes and made a wish. When I opened them, I blew out the candles. For some reason, my family had a thing for bats. I came to like bats myself. 

But I sometimes thought they were vampires. I don't mind that one bit since I have a thing for snakes. "What did you wish for, dear?" Okaa-san asked me. When I was about to answer, Iri clamped a hand over my mouth. 

"She can't tell you that." she said. Okaa-san and I gave her a confused look. "Why is that, Iri?" Okaa-san asked.

"Because if she tells you, it won't come true."

I rolled my eyes and licked her hand. She quickly yanked her hand back and wiped my saliva on my robe. "Gross! How dare you do that to your Onee-chan!" Iri said playfully as she put me in a head lock. 

I grabbed the front of her robe and pulled her down to the floor as the two of us began to wrestle. Okaa-san sighed at our childish behavior while Sharon and Julia were trying to hold in their laughs. Okaa-san gave a fake cough, grabbing our attention. 

We both looked up at her. I turned my head and saw Sharon and Julia calming themselves down from trying to hide their laughter. "If you two are done horsing around, how about we enjoy some cake?" She suggested, already cutting the cake. (Yay, cake for breakfast!!! :p)

"I call the biggest piece!" She announced, getting up off the floor.

"It's my birthday! I want the biggest piece!" I said, running towards the table before my Oneee-chan could get the biggest piece of cake.

~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~

After we ate cake, Okaa-san, Onee-chan, Sharon, and Julia gave me my presents. Okaa-san gave me my present first. I opened the little box and saw it was a bat necklace. "I love it! Arigato, Okaa-san!!" I cheered while hugging her.

My wings and tails began to move with excitement. "I knew you would." She said, hugging me back. "My turn!!" Iri announced, handing me my present. It was really big. I wonder what's inside? A weapon, maybe? I tore off the wrapping paper and opened the box. 

I gasped when I saw it. It was...


Cliffhanger!!!!! I'm sorry. I now it's the beginning of the story and I know I shouldn't be doing this to you all. But tell me what you think of the story so far and be sure to vote and comment if you want more. 

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