Chapter 28: Confusion and Betrayal

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Nue's POV

I fought the grass ninja head on. He twisted my arm behind my back, causing me to drop my katana, as he grabbed my neck. I struggled to get out of his hold. "My, my. Aren't you a strong girl." He whispered in my ear. I frowned and attempted to bite his hand.

He jumped back, releasing me. "You are a very strong opponent. Despite of you being slightly creepy." I commented. The grass ninja chuckled. "I see you've gotten stronger, my sweet Nue." he said. "You remind me of a friend who once said that to me." I said, calmly.

The ninja grabbed his face and started to peel it off. A mask? I gasped when I saw his real face. "Orochimaru-san?" I said, confused. "Hello, my Nue." He said, smirking. "I don't understand. What are you doing here? Why am I fighting you?" I asked as I dropped my weapon.

"Don't be confused, my dear Nue. I just wanted to see how you were doing." He said. "That doesn't explain why I'm fighting you." I mentioned. "I'm simply seeing how strong you've become and might I say, you've grown a lot stronger the last time we met." Orochimaru said.

"Thank you. That's really nice of you, Orochimaru-san." I said. "But that's not the only reason why I've come here Nue. I came here to warn you about Luna and your sister." He said. I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Warn me? Warn me about what? Are they in trouble?" I asked, worriedly. "Nothing like that, my child. But they are going to kill you." Orochimaru said. I blinked my eyes. "Kill me? No, they wouldn't do that. I know they wouldn't." I protested.

"It's none of my business, but I heard Luna is plotting to kill you here, in this forest." He informed. "You're lying. Okaa-san wouldn't do that. She loves me." I said. "I'm telling you the truth, Nue. Luna or Iri don't care about you." Orochimaru said. "You're wrong." I muttered.

"They sent you away because they hated you."

"Stop it."

"They think you're a freak."

"You're lying."

"You've never been loved. You never will be."

I gave up trying to hold back my tears as I fell to my hands and knees, crying softly. "But she told me... she loved me." I said. "That was all just a lie, Nue. The moment she saw your wings and tails, she thought of you as a monster. She wanted to get rid of you. That's why she waited for the right moment and sent you here, in the Leaf Village." Orochimaru said.

I kept my eyes shut tightly as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Why... Why would they lie to me?" I asked as my shoulder trembled with sadness. Is Orochimaru telling the truth? Does Okaa-san and Iri truly hate me?

"Do not cry, my dear child." I heard Orochimaru say as I heard him walking over to me. "I know a way to make all your pain go away." He said. I lifted my head to see he had kneeled down in front of me as his face was in front of mine.

"How?" I asked as I blinked my eyes, a single tear rolling down my cheek. Orochimaru got closer to me until his face was near my ear. "Join me. You'll never have to hear people call you a freak ever again." Orochimaru whispered. My eyes widened slightly.

"I... I'm not sure." I said. "You trust me, don't you Nue?" Orochimaru asked. "Of course I do." I said, wholeheartedly. "Then, join me. I assure you, you'll never be hurt again," Orochimaru stood up, then held his hand out to me. 

"Take my hand, Nue." He said. I looked into his golden eyes before looking at his hand. If he's telling the truth... then I have no other choice but to trust him. I extended my hand towards to his until three kunai knives were flung at us.

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