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It's been an entire two weeks plus, since I've seen my Tremaine. I miss him like crazy. We facetime to help the distance but there's nothing like the real thing. I had finally called my old friend Shanae like she asked. We're suppose to meet up later on. I didn't know that she lived in California as well. Cali is soo big lol. It's so crazy how things have ended. We didn't beef then stop talking we just kind of lost touch. You know the type of friends where you can stop talking forever but when you get back in contact it's like you've never lost touch, yea that's how it is with us lol. It's pretty cool.

Chris and I meet up often "strictly friends" . There's nothing wrong with it either...I get bored and I like his company so why not accept an invite??. We've been doing things like meeting at the bar or a spot to eat, movie theater, recreational activities nothing major. When we are around eachother it's like we're best friends. We never stop laughing and I feel totally comfortable with him. We went to the Hookah bar last weekend for the first time it was awesome! He's very adventurous and is always ready to try something new, that's the way to live. Hookah was pretty cool. I could feel the thick tobacco in my throat when I smoke but,  besides that it's good lol . They have a million flavors to choose from so we had the most fun with that. Putting crazy flavors together. That night was filled with laughter and silliness.


'"Nigga look at your eyes! We shouldn't've of smoked Kush before here lmao"

"Nigga look at your eyes, you look Chinese!"

" You look like from Japan "

"Really lmao, you so damn slow!!"

We shared laughs together!

"See I can't get high around you, you might just take advantage of me!"

"Boy you wish! "

He just stared at me and smiled.

"Chrissss stop eye fucking me lmao"

" Lmaooooo whatt!"

"Have you ever got caught with weed on you before??"

"Yea, let me tell you! Got busted with weed once and the cop asked me to give up my pluh. Guess what i said haha

"What did you say Chris?"

"I said "Mother Earth."!! ".

"lmao you are a true weed head!"

"Naw baby there's just two kinds of people in this world. People who smoke weed and people who NEED to smoke that shit!"

"Maybe you're right about that! ...some people be on a whole another tip!"

"See and people say Marijuana makes you stupid! Pshh you were stupid before you smoked!"

"That's true though, I'm actually deeper in my thoughts when I do actually smoke."

"See people got the wrong idea of Marijuana, it's not a bad thing" 

"Chris, you should seriously be a weed Activist! Lol"

"I'm telling you! Hahaha Look my slogan would be  "UNDER the influence, but ABOVE the ignorance"He said with his hand in the.air as if he was preaching to a  crowd.

"lmao really though, I feel you!"

That's how our nights were. We'd crack jokes, laugh ,smoke, drink. There's always a small sexual tension. But that's why I'll never go home with him , but do believe he tries .

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