Thirty- Eight

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A little tip: dying sucks. Getting ripped up by hellhounds is no fun. If you have not already, do not ever sell your soul.

Sam and Dean did find Lucifer, in some old warehouse. They told me where, but I suppose I was too zoned out, worrying about my death, to hear what they were saying. I just want this whole Lucifer deal to be over.

It's not that easy, though. I know Sam is strong, and he might be able to win this, but this is Lucifer we are talking about here. Lucifer. The devil himself.

Sam already took in a very large amount of demon blood, which he is going to need in order for Lucifer to possess him. By the expression on Dean's face as Sam wiped his mouth, clearing the demon blood away, the elder Winchester very much does not like this.

I don't either. I know what will happen if Sam wins, he will be stuck in the cage with Lucifer for eternity. I'm sure it's very secure, too, so there's really no chance of Cas succeeding in busting him out.

I really did not want to take part in the sob fest a.k.a. saying goodbye to Sam. Crowley has fixed Bobby's not-being-able-to-walk problem, for reasons beyond me. I can't really say that I care, I'm just glad he can walk again.

"Riley," Sam says to me, after he's said farewell to Cas. I turn my head away from him, afraid that if I look at him, I myself may burst into tears. Sam doesn't deserve this. He deserves to live.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asks me, oblivious to the silent treatment I am trying to give him. I meet his gaze and cock my head to the side, wondering what he could possibly ask of me; I'm dying tomorrow around noon.

"What?" I croak out, my throat dry from lack of water. Sam sighs, as if trying to find the right words, then he looks at me again.

"If you somehow manage to get out, can you take care of Dean?" I furrow my eyebrows, wondering why he thinks that my chances of getting out are greater than his.

Because he's going into the Cage, which is impossible to get out of. I'm just going to regular old Hell, which Dean managed to get out of with the help of an angel. If Dean could get out, I probably can too. Plus, I can't refuse Sam's request. I know what it's like having a big brother. I wouldn't be able to rest until I knew Dylan would be okay after I'm gone.

I smile softly. "Of course." He sighs in relief. "Go kick the devil's ass," I add, undoubted seriousness showing in my voice. Sam nods, slowly turning and walking away, and I appreciate the fact that he did not say the word 'goodbye'. I would not have been able to handle it.


Now that Dean and Sam have gone into the building, the rest of us stand on the pavement in front of it, waiting for something to happen, anything.

We wait for a while. This gives Dylan some more time to scold me about my demon deal, or so I thought. Instead, he talks to me about a different topic, what I have been doing since he's been gone.

"Not much really," I explain. "Hunting and trying to stay alive." I am in absolutely no mood to talk, and I'm sure my brother can sense this because of my looking up at the window every five seconds. He sighs deeply, rubbing his hands together to keep them warm. It is a bit chilly out, but I can hardly notice. Worry and fear rack my mind.

"They're okay," Dylan says, pulling me from my train of thoughts. I furrow my eyebrows at him. He sighs again, and explains. "Sam and Dean. They're well-rounded people." If I were not so caught up in this, I would have laughed at that.

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