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Sam and Dean eventually get back, and we show the remaining townspeople how to work their way around a gun. Sam works really good with people, as I would've thought. After a while of helping, I see Sam sitting on one of the stairs looking around with a weird look on his face. I set my gun down on the table and go sit next to him. "Hey." I mumble.


"What's wrong?" I ask quietly. He hesitates before answering.

"Just, back at the store- there were demons possessing teenagers. I mean, I had to slit some kid's throat."

"Come on, Sam. You probably had to."

"I know. It just-- it used to be like-- I just wish I could save people like I used to." He says. I push down the anger that was quickly rising and remember that he wasn't drinking demon blood for kicks, he wanted to help people in a safer way.

Ellen walks over to us before I can answer. "I'll be back."

"Where are you going?" Dean asks. I didn't even notice him standing a few feet across from me.

"I can't just sit here on my ass. My daughter's out there. I'm not back in half an hour, go. Get these people out of here."

"No, wait." Sam starts, standing up. "I'll go with you." Dean stops everybody, and looks at his brother.

"Hold on, can I talk to you for a second?" I give Dean the 'no fighting' look before him and Sam go out in the hall and talk. I heard a small thud a little after they went out there. Ellen leaves and Dean comes back in the room. He walks past me, and motions for me to follow him. I mentally roll my eyes but follow him.

"What?" I ask, clearly pissed off.

"What did you mean when you told Ellen there might not be demons here?" He answers me with a question, abruptly.

"I- I wasn't--." I start, caught off guard as to why he would ask that.

"She's lost so much, okay? You don't need to do that--."

"Asshole, I wasn't doing anything." I mumble. He looks slightly shocked. "I was just thinking out loud, okay?" He shakes his head a little.

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbles. "Sorry." He doesn't meet my gaze, and I lower my eyebrows.

"Are you okay?" I ask, a little gentler than my usual tone. He lowers his eyebrows and his eyes meet mine. "Dude, you and Sam gotta cool off. There is too much going on right now. And when you two fight it just sucks a lot more." He doesn't answer, just looks at me for a moment, then leaves.


When Ellen gets back, she's not with Sam. Dean shuts the door behind her.

"Where's Sam?" I ask as Ellen sets her bags down. She looks up at us with slightly watery eyes and shakes her head.

"They took him? Demons took him?" A woman asks. "Oh, my god. What if they're in here? The demons?"

"Could they get in?" A guy asks.

"No." Dean says. As this talk kept going on, I was still finding it hard to believe that demons were actually here. He picks up a gun from under the table and heads for the door, but stops. A few seconds later he turns around and walks back to the table. "We need to get a plan together. Tell me everything."

Ellen and Dean sit across from one another talking. I stand up beside them, slightly pacing, pivoting on my feet. "Dean, one of 'em's in Jo. We gotta get it out without hurting her. It called me a bitch."

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