Twenty One

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General POV:

Riley sat in the passenger seat of the impala, with Dean in the driver's seat. Where they were going, Riley didn't know, but she assumed they were going to get food or something.  Sam and Cas are still back at the hospital with Bobby. The radio played quietly, and they sat in an awkward silence, until Dean spoke up.

"You okay?" He mumbled. Riley kept her gaze out the window, not paying attention. "Riley?" She blinked, and snapped her head to look at him.

"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine." She mumbled, and returned her gaze to the window. The silence came back, and Riley stared out the window at the trees as the car passed by them.

"Listen, I gotta ask you something." Dean said, clearing his throat.


"Why'd you kiss me?" This question caught Riley off guard. She thought he had bigger problems than her kissing him, but she didn't bring it up. "I mean, I get the whole hand holding thing, I get that you were scared-" Riley cut him off, she started laughing.

"Scared? I wasn't scared."

"Then why?"

"When I find out, I'll let you know." Riley mumbled. Dean rolled his eyes, clearly getting frustrated. The car fills with silence again as he tries to think of another way to put it.

"I'm not blind, you know." He finally says, making Riley look over at him. "You think Sam hasn't told me about--"

"Don't we have bigger problems right now?" Riley interrupts, raising her voice slightly. Dean looks across the car at her in slight confusion, and Riley sighs, giving him an apologetic look before staring out the window. "I've been riding around with you and Sam for almost a year, right?"


"And I've seen you with a lot of other girls." She continues quietly, kind of embarrassed to say it out loud. "It looked kind of tempting." She mumbles.

"Wait, what? I thought you liked Sam." Dean questions. Riley lowers her eyebrows and glances at him.

"Where'd you hear that?"

"Nowhere, I just assumed that you did." Riley laughs and shakes her head.

"Well, I don't." They stay quiet for a few more minutes, until Dean speaks up again. "Hell, I'm flattered." He mumbles. "You're a pretty good kisser." Riley stares out the window.

"Beginner's luck." She mutters.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me, right?" Riley shakes her head and purses her lips together. "Really? Okay." He exhales loudly, and pauses. "That's not gonna work, though." She lowers her eyebrows. "You Together. Me and you." Riley's heart sinks and she looks out the window again, avoiding Dean's gaze. "Hey, I like that idea, but it's a bad idea. There's just so much going on right now, with the devil and the apocalypse, and I can't be thinking about that. You shouldn't be, either." Riley hesitates, before answering.

"Yeah." She scoffs. "Yeah, of course. Just forget about it." Riley didn't know who she was trying to make forget, Dean or herself.


Riley's POV

Bobby got a call from his friend Rufus in River Pass, Colorado. He said the whole town is infested with demons. Dean, Sam, and I are on our way there now.

We pull up to the town, but Dean stops the car on a bridge where the road gets cut off, it's split across and tipped down into the water, and we have to find another way around.

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