Twenty- Four

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It has been two and a half weeks and I haven't heard anything from Sam or Dean. Two cases popped up, one was just another vamp nest and the second, most recent, was a witch. The witch was casting spells on people, turning them into dogs. I had no idea why and I didn't really care to find out. After the witch was dead, the people turned back into themselves.

Stepping into the motel room, I took my phone out of my pocket, in hope of coming across a missed call from Sam or Dean. I'm a little happy to see a missed call from Sam, and a little sad that it's not from Dean. He has a right to be pissed at me, though. Hesitating, I played the voicemail, listening to Sam's voice in relief. Hey, Riley. We caught a case, I'm sure you read about it. This guy's head went through the windshield of his car or something, but there was no one in the room with him. Anyways... He paused, trying to think of what else to say. I thought I heard Dean say something in the background, then I heard a door shut. Then Sam cleared his throat. Riley, Bobby knew your brother, before he died. Said he never stopped talking about you. I'm sorry. But Dean and I are hunting together again. We're uh...we're good. He paused again, and I was so relieved to hear that they were hunting together again. We could use your help. Dean won't say anything, but he does miss you, I can tell. Just...

The voicemail ended a few seconds later. I tossed the phone on the bed, sighing in exhaustion. I need to sleep here, I'll leave first thing in the morning.


Morning came quicker than I thought it would. I yawned as I felt the sun in my eyes. Shock filled me as I looked at myself. I looked entirely different than I did when I fell asleep. Paws? Do I really have paws? I guess the witch cast a spell on me sometime before I killed her.


I'm a dog. I am a dog. I. Am. A. Dog.

Okay, don't panic.

I jump down off the bed, trying to get used to this new dog-like feeling. As I walk around the room, I feel a gust of wind. A ha! I always leave a window open a little at night before I go to bed, because it's always way too damn hot in these motel rooms. Thankfully, there is a chair right by the window. Jumping up on the chair, I get my nose under the window and push it up so I can fit through it. As I'm doing this, I hear the familiar hum of the impala's engine drive by, stopping in the driveway across the street. My ears perk up as I watch Dean and Sam get out and go in the building.

Finally getting out of the window, I walk across the road and driveway, and stand next to their car. Laying down next to the passenger side, I listen to a song that is playing off in the distance somewhere.

I don't know how long I dozed off for before I heard Sam and Dean's voices and footsteps. Whatever Sam is saying, he forgets it when he sees me laying next to the passenger door. "Hey, Dean. Look." He says, kneeling down and scratching behind my ears. A dog noise escapes my throat.

"Oh, no. No dogs." Dean mumbles, moving to stand behind his brother. A whimper escapes my throat and I tilt my head to the side, looking up at Dean as Sam continues to scratch behind my ears.

"Dean, come on. Look at her." He puts his hands on my face and looks up at his brother.  "She's all alone. Let's just hold on to her for a few hours."

"Sam--" he starts, but another dog sound escapes my throat, interrupting him. It must be my new dog instinct when I lean forward and lick Sam's face. He laughs a little, scratching behind my ears again. "She likes me."

"Okay, how do you even know that she is a 'she'?" Dean asks. Sam rolls his eyes.

"Come on, man. What do you say? Just a few hours?" He asks. As we wait for Dean to answer, I let my nose graze along the door of the impala, trying to let him know that I want to go. "Look, she really wants to come with us."

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