Twenty- Six

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Author's Note- From now on, my chapters will be 5-8 pages long. They just feel easier to write when they're shorter. (btw tysm for 1.9k reads & 200 likes)


Dean isn't next to me when I wake up. I don't really mind, though. It's not like I expected him to fall into my arms right after I confessed my feelings for him.

I look around the room and notice Sam is packing a duffel bag with clothes and stuff. He glances over at me with a small smile on his face. I lower my eyebrows and yawn, rubbing my eyes.

"Where's Dean?" I ask, clearing my throat and getting out of bed.

Sam lowers his eyebrows. "That's the first thing you say when you wake up?" I make my way towards the bathroom, scoffing as I walk by him.

"Don't act surprised," I say, turning on the bathroom light and washing my face. I hear Sam laughing.

"I actually don't know where he is. Must've left in the middle of the night."

"Then why are you packing?" I dry my face and shut the door, changing my clothes.

"I caught a case, and--" I heard him say through the door, but I interrupt him.

"God, Sam." I say, frustrated. "Do you ever take a break? How about we do something fun today?" Fully dressed and ready to go, I step out of the bathroom. He opens his mouth to protest, but I start talking again. "Seriously. I'll call another hunter to take care of it, and we can have a snow day." By now he has a small smile on his face and an expression that says I'm out of my mind.

Then, he tosses his duffel bag down on the bed, pursing his lips together. "What do you suggest we do?" I shrug.

"I don't know. A movie? An amusement park?"


We end up going to the movies. Somehow we managed to convince Dean to come too.

The movie that we are seeing is called Zombieland. I've seen the trailer about seven times and I'm so excited to watch it for the first time. I'm not sure if it's Dean or Sam's type of movie, but it's definitely mine.

"If you don't like it, you can go watch Where the Wild Things Are. That's getting good reviews so far." I shove a handful of popcorn in my mouth as we walk towards theater number two, where they are playing the movie. I hear Sam laughing. "What?"

"You're such a movie fanatic," Dean says. I smile a little, still walking ahead of them.

"Damn straight." We step into the theater. "We're sitting in the top left corner." I don't give them time to protest, I just start walking up the stairs to the top. There aren't that much people here yet, which surprises me. I was even more surprised that the one o'clock showing wasn't sold out when we got here. "You know, when you get a large popcorn and soda, you get a free refill."

I sit in the very top left corner, as I said I would. Dylan and I used to come here all the time. Every single time I would sit in the same seat, the top left corner.

"Have you been here before?" Sam asks from two seats away. Dean was siting next to me, and Sam was sitting next to him.

"Yeah, me and my brother used to come here all the time. Look." I point at the plastic armrest in between Dean and I. Carved into it are my initials and Dylan's. "We always sat here." I get a little sad thinking about the memory, but I quickly forget it as the lights in the theater start to dim and the movie starts.


Halfway through the movie, we ran out of popcorn. I got up and left to go get it refilled and to go to the bathroom.

As soon as I step out of the bathroom stall, a fist connects with my face. The impact isn't enough to knock me out, but I stumble backwards a bit, feeling my nose start to bleed.

"What the hell?" The same fist hits me in the face again, surely leaving a bruise on my cheek. I get a good look at who my attacker is. "Clary. It's been a while."

"Save it. I can't believe you!" She raises her voice. I lower my eyebrows, feeling lightheaded from getting punched. "I mean, seriously? Lucifer is out and you want to go to the movies?" She sounds pissed off.

"What do you expect me to do about it?" I ask, suddenly angered. "Why do you keep showing up randomly? And punching me? What did I ever do to you?" She paces a few times, glancing at me.

"You should be trying to kill Lucifer," she says, and I'm starting to think she hasn't been listening to a word I've been saying. "You're the only one who can. No one is connected to him the way you are." I lower my eyebrows.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She gives me a look, her facial features relaxing.

"You don't know?" She asks, lowering her eyebrows. I tilt my head to the side, with a confused look on my face. "You're his daughter."

It takes a second to fully process what she said, and even then, I can't take it seriously. I laugh in disbelief, but she doesn't think it's so funny. "Why do you think your mom never talked about him? Why do you think you've never met your dad? He's been locked up in the cage for centuries."

"That still doesn't make sense. I'm only twenty eight years old."

"It's a long ass story, and I don't have time to explain it right now." She starts to walk away, but then turns back to me. "I get it if you don't trust me. But I'm telling the truth. I've never lied to you, not once. I swear. I'll tell you everything in due time." She walks out the door, not giving me time to stop her.

I clean up my face as well as I can and head back out to grab my now full bucket of popcorn. Heading back to the theater, I decide that I won't tell Sam and Dean about this yet. Clary could be lying anyways. I hardly believed it either.

"That took a while," Sam says as I sit back down in my seat. I quickly came up with an excuse, hoping he'd believe it.

"The line was really long," I say, turning my head towards the screen. It upset me a little that I just missed almost fifteen minutes of the movie.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Clary said.

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