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A voice.

I heard a voice. I recognized it. It was one of my angel friends. But these words were never spoken by him before, in the time I knew him. He's talking about Sam and Dean. About how Dean must let Michael possess him, about how Sam must let Lucifer possess him. He says this fight is going to happen no matter what. I cannot see him but I can hear his voice loud and clear, echoing through my head.

'Why do you think you two are the vessels? Think about it. Michael, the big brother, loyal to an absent father. And Lucifer, the little brother, rebellious of daddy's plan. You two were born to this, boys! It's your destiny. It was always you. As it is in Heaven, so it must be on Earth. One brother has to kill the other."


My eyes open and I stare up at the ceiling, trying to forget my dream from last night, which was probably some kind of premonition. I look over at the alarm clock and it reads 1:54pm. Damn. Dean said he would wake me up earlier so we could go find Anna's grace. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. I look over and see Dean opening the door.

"You ready to go?" I sit up in the bed trying to rid the shock and fear from my face. I nod.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll-I'll be right there," I stutter, rubbing my eyes.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks, after a moment of silence. I look up and meet his gaze.

"Yeah, Dean. I'm fine," I say. He hesitates.

"You know," he says. "That if you ever need anything, me and Sam are here." I look at the floor. "You know that, right?" I nod.

"I'll be out in a minute."


Sam went all out on the research, as you could say. "Union, Kentucky. Found some accounts of a local miracle. In '85 there was an empty field outside of town. Six months later, there was a full grown oak. They say it looks a century old, at least."

"Anna, what do you think?" Dean asks.

"The grace," she says, looking down at the papers filled with information. She looks up at Dean. "Where it hit, it could have done something like that. Easy."

"So grace ground zero. It's not destruction," Dean says. "It's..."

I speak up before Anna can. "Pure creation."


I decide not to ride in the impala, one, because I can't even fit, what with Ruby and Anna in the back and Dean and Sam in the front, two, it's faster to teleport.

The tree, is so beautiful. I get there in a matter of seconds. I've never seen grace do something like that, but I never really pay attention, so. A large tree sits in the middle of a vast field with some other trees. The grace is definitely here, I can feel it. Random rays of sunlight shine through the spaces between the tree branches, making it look even more beautiful.

I decide I probably shouldn't touch the tree, so I wait for the impala to roll up into the field. I walk behind Sam and Dean as they talk about the tree. Anna could feel it, too.

She steps forward and touches the tree. After a moments hesitation, and what looks like a lot of concentration, she sighs. "It doesn't matter, it's not here. Not anymore. Someone took it." She looks back at Dean who looks back to Sam.


"Alright, we still got the hex bags. I say we head back to the panic room," Dean says.

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