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"You want Anna?" Sam asks, disbelief and shock plastering his face. "Why?" He looks at Castiel.

"Out of the way," Uriel says, stepping forward to the closet where Anna is currently hiding.

"Whoa," Dean says. "Okay, I know she's wiretapping your angel chats or whatever. But it's no reason to gank her."

"Don't worry," Uriel says. "I'll kill her gentle."

"You're some heartless some of bitches, you know that?"

"As a matter of fact, we are," Castiel says. The way he says it makes me think for a second that he feels bad about it. "And?"

"And Anna's an innocent girl," Sam tries. Cas shakes his head.

"She is far from innocent."

Wait a minute. Who would be able to hear angel talk? Anna must be an angel. What is she guilty of, though?

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask.

"It means," Uriel says. "She's worse than this abomination you've been screwing." He looks from Sam to Ruby.

Oh, Sam. You didn't.

"Now give us the girl," Uriel says sternly. Dean and Sam exchange glances. Then Dean turns to the angels.

"Sorry. Get yourself another one. Try JDate."

"Who's gonna stop us? You two?" Uriel asks. "Or this demon whore?"

They always leave me out

Uriel pushes Ruby across the room and against a window, shattering it. He pushes her into the wooden wall of the cabin, hand around her throat. He holds his hand up, about to smite her. He gets distracted when I come up behind him, threatening to hit him with something. He swings his fist into my face.

"Cas, stop," I hear Sam's voice as I try to fight off Uriel. "Please."

Suddenly the two angels disappear. I fall to the ground coughing. A small amount of blood comes out of my mouth. I look over at Ruby and see her still against the wall. I force myself to stand up. I lean down to her and pull her up. "Come on."

I go into the room where Anna was and see her hands dipped in blood on the table. On the mirror in front of her, is an angel banishing symbol made drawn in blood.

Why am I still here?

"Are they gone?" Anna asks as Dean comes to her side.

"Did you kill them?" He asks her, looking at her bleeding arms.

"No," I say. "That's an angel banishing symbol, Dean." He lowers his eyebrows at me.

"Then why are you still here?" He asks. I don't have an answer. Sam and Ruby come into the room and look in shock at Anna.

"I don't know how I did it," Anna says as Dean wraps cloths around her bleeding arms. "I just did."


"What do you think?" Dean asks Sam. Ruby is in the other room with Anna.

"I think Anna's getting more interesting by the second," Sam says.

"Yeah, I agree," Dean says. "And what did they mean by she's not innocent?"

"It seems like they want her bad, not just because of the angel radio thing," Sam says. "I mean, that blood spell? It's some serious crap man."

"What'd you say it was? An angel banishing symbol?" Dean asks, turning to me. I nod.

"Kicks the angels out?" Sam asks, looking at me. I nod. "Why are you still here?"

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