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Quick question.

Who the hell is Dean Winchester?

Well, I'm about to find out.

Why do I ask? I'm an angel. Yeah, angels are real. But they aren't actually watching over you at all times, like you heard when you were a child. They just argue about stupid stuff. I'm ashamed to be one of them. I'd much rather be a demon.

Yeah, demons are real, too.

They aren't your typical bedtime stories either. When a person goes to hell, their souls are demonized after a long period of time. They can leave hell whenever they want, and now they aren't in a human form, but in the form of smoke. BLACK smoke. They possess people so they can traffic with the living. It's hard to kill them, I'll say.

I'd still rather be a demon than an angel. Sure, angels can teleport. (They do not fly, but they do have wings. Probably just for decoration, though.) And they can kill people with just a touch. And they can go to anyone's dream to visit them.

I'll explain more later. I need to find out who this Dean Winchester is and why the angels are all chittery about him all of a sudden. I don't say 'us', I say the angels. I can't consider myself an angel. I couldn't ever. I haven't spoken to any angel in years. I've completely disappeared off of the angel radar. They quit looking for me a while ago.

Anyway, Dean's probably just another hunter, right? A hunter who has done something brave to excite the angels? WRONG. It takes a lot of effort to excite an angel, let alone get it's attention.


I use my angel transportation to teleport to the last place I heard where Dean was: Sioux Falls, South Dakota. I forgot where I heard that, but I guess it doesn't matter, right? I don't even know where they're staying, though. It could take a while to find them.

See, I don't like to find humans in an angel way. I like to take time and search for them like humans do while they're searching for other humans.


I stand in front of Bobby Singer's house. He has a lot of cars and a sign that says something like 'Auto Repair'. He's a mechanic? That's when I decided I probably shouldn't go in right now. I would like to see Dean Winchester face-to-face. If this Bobby is a Hunter, he may already know how to kill angels. Then again, he doesn't know I'm an angel.

I start walking away from his house, but a knife presses against my throat, stopping me cold. "What the hell do you want?" Is it Dean? I don't know. I'm afraid if I talk the knife my slice into my throat.

"I'm not a demon," I croak out. He presses the knife harder into my skin and I feel warm blood trickle down my neck. Of course, it's not mine. It's my vessel's. I can still feel it a little, though.

"What are you, then?!?" He is getting frustrated. I hesitate before lying to him. I say to him that I'm a hunter who was looking for someone nearby and must've been looking in the wrong place.

"You're a hunter?" He asks, removing the knife from my throat slowly with caution. I nod. I rub my neck where there was blood coming out. I turn around to the other hunter. He has brown hair and he is a few inches taller than me. "I guess I have to introduce myself, don't I?" I raise my eyebrows. "My name is Sam Winchester." He holds his hand out and I shake it.

"Riley." So, Dean has a brother? "Do you live here?" He shakes his head.

"I don't really live anywhere. I sort of jump around, you know how it is. Hunting."

"So, you're just taking a walk, or...?"

"Yeah, and my uh...I have a friend who lives here." Before I can reply, he changes the subject to me. "Where are you staying?"

"Uh, no where yet." He scratches the back of his neck. "What?"

"I could actually use your help with something." I lower my eyebrows and tilt my head to the side. "Hunting stuff. I think it's hunting stuff." I shrug.

"Sure." Sam says that's great and we walk to the front door of Bobby Singer's house. "So, how do you know Bobby?"

"We've known him all our lives. He's like an uncle to us." A-ha.

"We?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Sam turns and glances at me momentarily before opening the door. I step in behind him then close the door.

"Sam, did you get the pie?" I hear a man's voice yell from in another room.

"Yeah!" I didn't even notice that Sam was holding a plastic bag. "Come on." Sam leads the way to the other room and I follow. There is a older looking man with facial hair and a cap on who is sitting on one side of the table. Must be Bobby. On the other side is a man who I can't see any part of other than the back of his head because he is facing the opposite direction. That one must be Dean.

When we enter, Bobby looks up at Sam. He stands up when he sees me. The other man turns his head, then he stands up, too, keeping his gaze on me. His eyes are very green, which I notice the moment I looked at him.

"Sam." Bobby speaks first. "Who's this?" Dean's gaze is still on me, which is making me uncomfortable for some reason.

"Guys, this is Riley. She's a Hunter, too. She might be able to help us with this." I look on the table, which is clustered with books that have markings on them. A lot of them are opened to pages that would maybe help them.

Ugh. I hate research.

"I seriously doubt that," Bobby says. His eyes meet mine. "Did you ever hear anything about angels?" Oh. They're trying to research angels? Why?

I hide the fact that I know exactly what they are and that I am one of them.

"Angels? Angels are real?" I lie. I raise my eyebrows.

"Apparently," Sam mutters. Did an angel drag Dean out of Hell?

"Sam. Can I talk to you?" Dean says, raising his eyebrows at his brother. They go in the other room and speak in hushed voices that are almost too quiet for me to hear. Almost.

"Why would you bring another hunter into this? A GIRL hunter?!?" Dean says in an angry whisper.

"We need more help, Dean. There's a lot of research that needs done, and she seems like an okay hunter."

"You like her?" Dean asks. I can almost hear him smirking.

"What?!? No! That's not what this is about!" Sam is getting frustrated with Dean. "Just let her help?"

"Okay." Dean sighs and they come back in the room. Bobby is already sitting at the table with his face buried in a book. Sam sits on the opposite side of me. Dean sits down in the empty chair and pulls the apple pie out of the plastic bag.

"Pie?" he asks Sam. Sam rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Dean turns to me. "Pie?" He asks, raising his eyebrows. Now Bobby rolls his eyes.

"Yes, please," I say. Dean cuts me a slice of pie and slides the plate over to me.

I can taste every molecule. It's disgusting. But i slap on a fake smile and do my best to pretend I like it.

Sometimes I want to get rid of my grace. Sometimes I really want to be a human.

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