Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

Harry's POV

"Well?" Taylor asks impatiently as I drop her to her feet.

"I just wanna say I'm sorry," His voice cracked and he sounded as if he was going to cry.

"Wait what?' Taylor asks and a confused expression makes its way onto her face.

"I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I broke your heart. I'm sorry for cheating on you with Sophia, and I'm really sorry I even thought of dating Cara," He explains and her jaw drops to say something.

Taylor stood there in her torn dress, messed up haircut, and smeared massacra. She just stood there with nothing to say. It felt as if time was stopped and I was stuck in this moment for ever. The most awkward and hate filled moment.

"Tay..?" I ask going to reach for her arm but she pulls away.

"Liam..I...I don't even know how to process what you just said...or the fight with Cara," she replies bluntly and both Liam and I stand there.

"I didn't even know what to expect. I didn't even have an idea of what I wanted to hear," He admits and rubs the back of his neck.

Taylor just looks at him. It seems as if I don't exist anymore and it was worrying me. I hope she wasn't going to do something she'd regret later. She starts walking torward him and I don't move.

"Thank you," was all she could say as she was inches away from him.

"So you forgive me?" Liam asks.

Taylor wraps her arms around him and starts to sob into his chest. He pulls her closer and she just lets the tears go. I can't help but feel a little hurt but I knew the moment wouldn't last long. After about a few minutes Liam lets her go and she burries her face into her hands. 

"I'm sorry Marcel," he says breaking silence. 

"Liam as long as you know that we're still friends and that you need to find someone that will treat you right," I warn.

"Thanks Marcel," He responds with a smile and begins walking away, back to the dance floor. 

That leaves Taylor and myself standing in the middle of the empty sidewalk. Her face is still in her hands and she's sobbing softy. I engulf her body with mine as she continues to shake and cry. I rock her back and forth but the tears just won't stop. 

'Taylor.." I whisper but she just burries her face into my chest. 

"Do you wanna go home?" I ask. 

"Not yet.." she mumbles as she clings to my body. 

"Are you sure?" I wanted to make sure she was going to be ok. 

After about a few more minutes she wipes her tears away. From her bag she grabs a hair tie and pulls her hair into a pony tail. She grabs my hand and drags me along the path back to the dance floor as she lightly carries her dress to her ankles. 

"One more dance," She preactically commands.

By the time we return things are back to normal and I don't see Liam and Cara any where. 

"Are you alright?" Niall asks with concern. 

"Fine," She responds with a smile. 

After that she pulls me to the floor and we sway back and forth. She places her head onto my chest as I grab her waist. Her arms are snaked around my waist as we continue to dance silently to a slow song. 

"Cara's wrong ya know. I've loved you since we were little kids. Way before your makeover," She tellls me. 

"Duhh," I whisper into her ear with a grin showing off my dimples. 

"And I will always love you," She responds kissing my nose. 

"And I will always love you too," I reply moving a longer strang of her bang behind her ear. 

"Oh I have a surprise for you," She says after a moment. 

Taylor reaches into the sachel draped around her body and pulls out a case. In the case were my embarassingly large frames. My eyes grow wide as she takes them out and places them onto my face. 

"This is the Marcel I know," She says after admiring her work. 

"Harry," I correct causing her smile to grown even wider. 

We dance to a few more songs and I could tell she finally let go. She finally let go of Liam. He was in her past for real this time. That moment when she sobbed into his chest, I knew she only felt comfortable with me.

"Alright ladies and gents. This is the last song of the night. One requested by one of our court members!" Selena announces and shoots Taylor a smirk.

"I Want Crazy" by Hunter Hayes plays Our Song. Everyone else in the room is dancing wild, but I could only focus on Taylor. We jumped around like we had at the club, the very first night Taylor and i actually felt like a couple.

The song ends and we gather Niall, Zayn, Perrie, and Jade. All six of us take the limo back to Taylor's house and Niall and Zayn's dates drive home from there.

"Goodnight," Taylor tells the two boys softly as we walk upstairs to her bedroom.

"Remember what mom said!" Niall shouts and Taylor gives him a scowl.

I remove my outfit and dress in some sweatpants I had left her a few nights ago. Taylor removes her once beautiful and now dirty gown and puts on her cat pajamas.

"How was your night?' She asks.

"I loved it," I respond.

"Me too," her eye lashes flutter and I could tell she was tired.

"Night Tay," I whisper.

"Night my Harry," She replies and soon enough, both of us are fast alseep in eachothers arms.

Taylor's POV:

I knew when he said sorry that I was going to forgive him. He was Liam Payne and I was a sucker for Liam Payne. But that moment i fell into his chest I knew everything was wrong. He wasn't Harry. He wasn't the boy I was in love with anymore. I had fallen for someone else. Someone I had loved all along.

That moment when Cara mentioned that I only wanted his looks pushed me over the edge. I couldn't believe what I had done after it was over though. I just had to attack her not only with words but with the same pain she was causing me on the inside. It just happened all to quickly and I couldn't stop myself once I got going.

But the most important thing about the night was realizing Marcel was the only one for me. My Harry with the big frames, the nerdy talks, and the sweet kisses. Harry had been there all along and he would always be there.

So all in all...I love you Harry. More than you will ever realize. Harry is my idiot xx.

This was the entry in the back of my songbook. I know it wasn't a song but i hope one day in the future Harry would find it and remember the feelings I had. Now. But i didn't know what to do. It was time to go off to college and start our own lives. I just needed to know Harry would stay in mine forever no matter the distance.

That's when I recieved my first round of college letters. Would I be accepted to any of them? Which one would Harry be accepted to? There was only one way to find out.

"Harry come over. Bring your college letters," I demand into the phone as soon as he picks up.

All of you probably hate me for the cliffhangers... Well we're coming to the conclusion of our story in the next chapter or two. I hope you guys liked it and once again votes and comments are greatly apperciated :). I hope to update soon and thanks for reading!!

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