Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Harry's POV

"Harry?' I hear my mum call.

"Mmm?' I hum with sleepiness

"Taylor's little brother Niall brought her bag. I'll just leave it by the door. Make sure you're ready in time for school tomorrow," She badgers.

"K mum," I respond still half asleep.

I turn to look at Taylor and she's still asleep and curled up agaisnt my chest. We're both still in our day clothes. I search for my phone and find out that it's only about eight thirty. I yawn and slowly slip out from under Taylor. I remove my shirt and toss it into the hamper. I replace my skinny jeans with a pair of flannel print pajamas. I tousle my curls and then I fix my side of the bed up.

"Taylor," I nudge her and she crinkles her nose.

"whaa?" She says with her eyes still closed.

"Niall brought your bag. You wanna go change into your pajamas?" I ask.

"Sure," she replies.

Soon enough her eyes flutter open and she sits up. She yawns and streches then proceeds to open my bedroom door. I assume she heard my mum. She drug her bag into the room and took out her black sweats and a plain white t shirt.

"Be right back," she mumbles and walks into my bathroom.

I lay back into my bed and grab my phone. I scroll through facebook, instantly getting bored. I then rub my eyes and Taylor appears once again. She leaps into my bed right next to me and I make more room for her.

"Harry can I ask you something?' she asks.

"Yes T?' I respond.

"Do you really think I should get back with Liam?" she asks.

"It's up to you. This may sound cliche and all, but I just want you to be happy. I want you to do what you feel is right," I respond messing with the hairs on the back of my neck.

"oh," was all she had to say.

The room went silent and then I could feel my eyelids getting really heavy. Soon enough I drift into sleep. I dreamt about Taylor. What if she didn't get back with Liam? what if she were to be my girlfriend. But those thoughts stayed wrapped into a dream.

The next morning I am awaken by my Iphone alarm. I find myself holding Taylor in my arms and our legs in a tangled mess. She is still snoring away, I always knew she was a heavy sleeper. I rub my eyes once again and decided to head into the bathroom to take a shower. I brought my outfit for the day in so I could change in privacy. I start to sing a random beatles tune.

"You have a really pretty voice," Taylor calls as soon as I open the bathroom door.

"Thanks," I respond with a blush. Thank god she couldn't see.

"You can get in now. I'll go see what I can fetch us for breakfast," I offer her.

"Ok Harry," She lets a small smirk creep across her face.

I walk downstairs to a silent house. Mum must have gone to work and Gemma was still asleep. After I decide to make us some eggs I am startled by the ringing of the doorbell.

"Oh Liam," I greet.

"Marcel you gotta help me,' He pleas.

"Why what's the matter?' I ask. Hoepfully Taylor doesn't come down here.

"I want to end it officially with Taylor. There's someone I met and..." He trails off because he sees Taylor walking down the stairs.

'wait Liam, there's someone else?' She looks as if she might burst into tears.

"Looks like Marcel is keeping you company anyway Taylor. seems like you got over me already anyway," He looks at shoes when he speaks.

"Liam it's not what it looks like," I say rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"I'm actually appalled. I mean you were gonna end it for real and then you have the nerve to get mad when I'm with Marcel. My BEST FRIEND. Someone I trust," Taylor is now between Liam and myself.

"Well Taylor that was before I knew the truth, you and Marcel look ver happy together," He replies.

They continue into another long tizzy of arguements. I roll my eyes and step back for a minute.

"Liam you freaking idior," I say interupting both of them. They stop, dead silent and look at me.

"Can't you see all the affection Taylor gives you? She treats you like a boyfriend. Not me. She came over here looking for advice to get you back and not to hook up with me. If you can't see that she's head over heels in love with you then you need a damn reality check man. And you're gonna throw it all away for some random..." I trail off and I can feel myself starting to get angry.

"Marcel...I guess your right. But I feel like I am constantly competing against you for her attention,' Liam admits.

"Don't. She's yours obviously," I respond.

"Yeah Liam. Of course I wanted to be with you through our whole relationship..But now I'm not so sure," She huffs.

"There's no point in me trying to argue anymore. Her name's Sophia by the way," Liam says and then storms off.

I shut the door and go back to preparing breakfast. Taylor sits at the island in complete silence and watches me.

"Harry I'm so sorry," she whispers.

"Taylor. I just can't believe he could just walk out you on that when I..." I didn't finish my thought.

"When you what?" I keep my back to her.

"I've wanted you for a long time. Ever since middle school. I've wanted you to be my girl," I turn around.

"Harry I..." She then becomes speechless.

"Don't you see Taylor. I'm in love with you. I love you," I choke the words out as if they're acid.

"I love you too," I was surprised by her response.

"wait you.." I didn't finish this thought either.

I take the food off of the stove and place it infront of her. I hand her a fork and she digs in.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" I ask.

"Because I thought youy wouldn't feel the same," She shrugs.

"Taylor I can't do this. You just got out of a relationship..." I tell her.

"Yeah I kinda need time Harry. This all happened way too fast. Sorry," She says picking at her egg.

"I get it. I really do," I reply cupping her cheek.

Then she leans in and presses her plump pink lips to mine. They were soft and moved in sync with mine. I continue to cup her cheek and I could still feel the butterflies having a rave. Her hand is softly placed ont my arm. The kiss is soft and innocent.

"Ready for school?" She asks breaking away.

"Let's go," I breathe.

Soon enough we're out the door to face to next thing. School. What was Liam telling everyone? what was Taylor going to tell everyone?

(A/N): I don't even. I can't even. just what even happened? what did I just write??? Like OH MY GOD IT JUST HAPPENED...

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