Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Taylor's POV

you're grounded Taylor. No more dates with Marcel until prom or going out with Selena. You have to stay home orther than going to school. No ifs, ands, or buts about it young lady.

My mother'a words replay over and over again in brain as I walk into class the next morning. No sigh of Harry, and I couldn't text him because my phone had died the night before. I send him a message but there's no reply until Chem that afternoon.

"Is there a Taylor Swift in here?" a man in uniform asks.

"Um yes," My teacher says looking confused. Luckily my mom and Harry's mom caught us and not her.

"We have a deliver from someone named Marcel Styles," The man responds professionally.

"Really? well I suppose it's ok," She replies and gives me a puzzled look. I shrug at her as the man exits the room.

About five minutes later he returns with some beautiful white daisies. I smile as I get up to retrieve them. The whole room breaks out into a chorus of awhs from my female classmates. I smirk to myself and read the little note on the tag attached to them.

I have a surprise for you, love your idiot xx.

My teacher thanks the man and then redirects the class back to what we're learning.

"Marcel is so sweet," Ari tells me.

"Yeah he's a great boyfriend," I reply with a small smile placed on my lips.

This was because I knew that Harry has always been this way. Even when he wore large frames and loafers. My smile grows even bigger when I realize that Arianna will never expirence it. Not in a bitchy way, but in a way that Harry was mine and only mine.

"And he's hot," Demi adds.

"All hot and all mine," I mumble more to myself than her and I don't think she hears me.

The rest of the day goes by really slow and I'm too anxious to see what Harry has up his sleeve. I carry the daisies around and I'm constantly recieving compliements until I hear a group of girls talking:

"God she's not good enough for Marcel," One of the the girls spits.

"She can just take thos flowers with her to her funeral. Honestly she can go die," another one sneers and I can feel my cheeks burning with anger along with the wetness on my cheeks.

I mean I barely know them. They're in one of my classes but I've done nothing wrong to them and it hurts. How could someone be I walk home in tears with my flowers hugged to my chest. And to make it all worse I remember that I'm grounded. How am I suppose to go out with Harry and see his surprise now? I open up the door to my house and I'm greeted by Zayn and Niall like always.

"Are you ok?" Zayn asks with concern.

"I'm fine," I respond and force myself to put on a small smile.

"Your flowers are nice," Niall remarks.

"Thanks Marcel got them," I say wiping away the last of my tears.

"Do you wanna watch some TV with us or something...?" Zayn offers.

"No I'm gonna go to my room and do some writing," I reply with a sigh.

"Okay call us if you need anything," Niall mutters as I pull myself up the stairs.

I drop my book bag onto my desk and pull out my songbook. I needed to write something, anything. Harry rolled through my thoughts a few times but I couldn't wrap my head around any ideas for some lyrics. I think I need to write a pick me up anthem.

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