Chapter 23

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Chapter 23:

Taylor's POV

"So my mum's making me go with her to see Gemma,' Harry says as we walk to class on Thursday afternoon.

"Really? How long will you be gone?" I ask.

"About three days...Sorry T we can't hang out this weekend," He responds glumly.

"It's ok, I'll probably have to drive Niall and Zayn around because my mom and Bobby are going on this couple vacation thing. So you'll just have to miss out on that," I explain.

"I'm gonna miss you," He replies as we sit down in our Chem seats.

"And I'll miss you," I tell him and peck his lips.

"Hey! Keep the PDA to a minimum Marcel and Taylor," Our teacher jokes.

I blush and so does Harry and for the rest of the hour we work on our lab assignment.

*Later that afternoon*

"Bye Harry," I whisper into his ear as we embrace.

"Love you T," He whispers back.

"Come on Marcel, you'll see her in a few days," Anne calls out.

"Bye," I say one last time and I inhale his scent once more before he pulls away.

Both Anne and Harry climb into her car. I watch them as they pull out of his driveway. Once they're gone I decide to go pick up Niall and Zayn because they had been begging me to take them to the mall.

"Are you ready?' I ask as soon as I walk into the door of my house.

"Yeah cmon Zayn," Niall yells and they both run to the front door.

"Where to first?" I say as we walk to my car.

"We wanna go to the cafe. We need fuel," Niall demands like a little kid.

"Whatever you say," I mutter as I pull out of the driveway.

After a few mintues of silence Niall and Zayn begin talking amoungst themselves. I just sit there and listen to their chatter until one perticular subject comes up. 

"Perrie likes you Zayn! Just get the balls to ask her," Niall responds to a previous comment I didn't hear. 

"I feel like you're lying," He replies with a scowl on his face. 

"Were buddies man, why would I lie to you? You're just in Denial and I'm not talking about my name," Niall argues. 

"But she's so popular and has so many friends and I'm just shy ol me," Zayn tells us. 

"You know, if you compliment her first, I'm sure you'll get her," I suggest.

"Really you think it'd work?" He sounds hopeful when he speaks. 

"Yeah and to be honest, you're an attractive kid. For a sophmore I mean," I joke. 

"You know you want to get rid of Marcel and get with Malik," Niall jokes back and I giggle. 

" offense Zayn but I like Marcel," I giggle and he just blushes. 

"No but she's serious Zayn. Just ask Perrie," Niall's voice gets serious. 

"Fine, fine, fine!" Zayn responds and rolls his eyes.

"Just do what I told you and I'm sure she'll say yes," I repeat my previous thought.

Zayn sighs and then I pull up the the cafe. Both of them jump out of the car as soon as I park. I let them go ahead as I lock my car and fix my skirt. I walk slowly and notice they're already inside making there order. I step inside only to see two people infront of them inline. What were they doing here?

"Liam?" I ask as soon as I find myself next to Zayn.

"Oh hey Taylor how's your afternoon going?' He asks politely.

"Fine, I'm just taking my little brother and his friend around," I explain trying to act natural on the inside. What was her doing with her?

"That's cool, my friend Cara and I are just going to the park," He tells me and she wraps her arm around his waist. What the hell was happening?

"That's great. So are you two a couple?" I hesitate. 

"Yeah," Cara says and then smiles up at him. 

"Oh well that's great," I try to hide the panic. Thank god Harry's not here.

"So where's lover boy?" Liams inquires. I wonder if her told Cara about myself and Harry.

"Marcel is with his mother visiting his sister Gemma at UNI," I say and Niall and Zayn just watch us.

"Wait you're dating Marcel? My ex is dating yours?' Cara turns to Liam.

"I suppose so,' He shrugs.

"Well things just go majorly awkward. I don't know about you but I wanna get my coffee," Niall interrupts and he and Zayn go infront of Liam and Cara. They just continue to look at me.

"I dunno but Marcel and I are doing pretty well. It's already been four months since we started dating. Five months since you and I broke up," I explain to Liam.

"I know T, and Cara and I have been dating for two weeks," He tells me and she nods. Could she be anymore annoying?

"Well I got to go get Niall and Zayn. It was nice to meet you," I say to Cara trying to end this painful mess.

"See ya..and tell Marcel I say hello," She mocks.

"Will do, see ya Liam," I respond as I walk off to the boys.

It's silent until we make our way back to the car. Zayn and Niall look at me with concern and then I start to drive.

"That must've sucked,' Niall pipes up.

"Yeah thanks Niall," I reply sarcastically.

"Hey don't worry. We'll have fun today. Let's go the amusement park," He suggests.

"Yeah cmon it'll be fun,' Zayn encourages.

"Alright boys, we'll make it a fun day," I agree. Maybe this is what I needed.

But I was debating weather or not I should tell Marcel about the whole situation. Did he really need to know about my encounter with Cara and Liam. Maybe I should tell him that they're dating. I guess what he doesn't know won't kill him. I might feel guilty for not telling him, I just didn't want him lashing out on Liam.

"Let's go T,' Niall interupts my thought as we pull up to the park.

"Alright Ni," I respond with a smile and we all get out of the car.

'Don't worry I'll pay for you,' He haults me from taking out my wallet.

"Ya sure Niall?" I ask.

"Yeah you're having a day. I just want you to have fun," He explains.

"Thank you. I guess you're not that bad for being a sophmore," I joke and wink at him.

"And you're not to bad for bein a senior," He repiles and then pokes my shoulder.

(A/N:) So guys I bet you didn't expect the Liam and Cara thing. Plus I hope Zayn asks Perrie, but you'll just have to see. But thank you so so much for getting this to over 1K reads. I apperciate it so much when you vote and comment. I love to see your responses. :) but I seriously couldn't be more greatful. Oh and I have a surprise for my next Haylor fic. And I think there is going to be a snippet from it at the end of this book. Just a little hint hint ;)

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