Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

Harry's POV

I nervously take a deep breath. I can see Taylor's hands shaking and the look of concentration on her face.

"It'll be ok,' I whisper as we walk up the street, only inches away from the coffee shop.

She doesn't say anything back. She just squeezes my hand firmly and I tightens my grip as well. We walk in and the whole place is empty except for Liam.

"Oh Marcel...I thought Taylor would come..alone," He admits and I could tell he was embarassed.

"Liam I'm trying to get you to understand," Taylor says with sadness in my voice.

"I know, I just..Can I talk to Marcel alone for a minute?" He asks and I give him a puzzled look. What could he want to talk for.

Taylor nods and steps outside leaving myself and Liam alone. I cross my arms over my chest and lean on the backside of a chair. I clear my throat and raise my eyebrow, waiting for what was to come.

"Marcel, I'm a mess," he admits.

"Liam it'll be ok, you'll find the girl for you. Taylor obviously isn't the one," I explain.

"But she was the only thing I knew, She was my sanity. But I threw it all away for someone who didn't care as much as I thought she did," His chocolate eyes beg me for some sort of answer when he speaks.

"I want to help you man, as a friend I really want you to be with Taylor. But as myself, I have waited to long for this. Liam I've loved her since we were kids...I finally have her and I can't just throw it out the window," I reason.

"I understand that. But I just can't let go," He begins to cry.

"Don't worry Li," I say and we go for a friendly hug.

"Marcel you better give her all you got or I'm kicking your ass," His voice cracks with this statement.

"I'm her bestfriend. I would kick my own ass," I joke and he lets out a small chuckle.

"Why don't you go home and get some rest. Maybe even call up Sophia. I'm sure you can make things work," I encourage.

"Maybe I am overreacting a little,' He says.

I smile and walk out to get Tay. She's sitting on the bench reading one of her romance novels from her bag. She looks up at me with concern as Liam exits the building,

"What happened?" She asks.

"Liam is working on things. Some internal conflicts..Come on let's just go home," I tell her.


It was Tuesday in the choir class, second hour. I clear my throat for warm ups when Mr. Cowell comes up to me.

"Marcel your solo was beautiful," He compliments me.

"Thanks," I say with a blush.

"You know you've always been such an amazing singer, but now we can actually see the sparkle of preformance in your eyes,' he tells me.

"Well that means a lot Mr. Cowell," I say trying to be as modest as possible.

"Ya know what would be great?" He asks.

"Um what sir?" I respond.

"You preforming a song for the talent show. You've turned quite a few heads with your makeover, why not turn a few more?" He suggests.

"Ummm...I don't like to speak infront of people," I admit and I can feel my face turn about a million shades of red.

'Oh come on Marce, I know you have it in you," He persists.

"I..I don't know..I'll think about it," I respond.

"Let me know by Friday," After this sentence the bell rings.

I walk down to third hour when I see Louis.

"Hey mate," He greets.

'Lou," I nod.

"So I was meaning to ask you, what are your plans for prom?' He asks.

"Taylor is going as my date and I'm gonna take her to dinner. I want to give her the full on expirience," I explain.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to double date with me and...Selena,' He seemed nervous.

"You're going with Selena?" I give him a look of shock.

"Yeah I asked her and she said yes..But answer the question!" he snaps.

"Sure thing, but dinner is going to be a Taylor and I thing," I warn.

"Don't care, but I'm bumming of your limo," He spits out quickly and before i could object he already ran into his classroom.

Louis got me thinking about prom now. It was a month away but I already had everything planned. Dinner before, picking Louis up (well now), dancing the night away, and then maybe taking her back to the tree house for a rekindling of the night I asked her. That night when we were six. I chuckle to myself because it was so silly. I think I need to ask her the real way. But what could I possibly do? OH I GOT IT. I suddenly bump into Mr. Cowell.

"I'll do it," were the first words out of my mouth.

"I'll sign you up, it's Friday," He smiles as he trots off.

I needed to prepare a song to sing for the talent show. One I had written about Taylor. One of the ones sitting on the pages of my songbook. One that would be perfect to ask her out with.

I snuck in another update. Can I get a Hell yeah? I have big plans for the next few chapters :) and I hope I don't have to add any fillers. So look for more updates in the future! well thanks for reading once more and I hope you're enjoying the story.

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