Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

Taylor's POV

I decided to meet Harry at school on Monday morning. He said that he needed to disscuss something important. I hoped it was about us going steady. I know I should old fashioned for putting it that way but Harry had helped me so much through my break up with Liam. I was in love with him for I don't know how long but I knew for sure he was what I really wanted. I didn't just want him, I needed him. when we had sex for the first time in the tree house I knew that I had made a mistake of not picking Harry to begin with. In fact I think I loved him just as much as he loved me.

I walked over to him as soon as I parked my car in the school parking lot. Harry had been leaning against his car with his arms crossed. He grew a small smirk as soon as he saw me. I speed up and leapt into his arms. I could feel his chest vibrate as he chuckled.

"well goodmorning to you too," He giggles.

"Moning Marcel,' I respond as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"So we should talk..." The smile fades as he lets me go and we start walking.

"About what?" I ask as we enter the school.

"Ya see I was talking too..." But he trails off and taps my shoulder to turn around.

I am greeted with a big pink sign on my locker. I walk up to it and it reads: "Please forgive me?"

Harry frowns and curses something under his breath. I was still confused. I think I was missing something.

"who's it from?' I turn to Harry.

"Liam," He looks at me like I'm stupid.

"wait Liam?' I couldn't believe he wanted me back

"Yeah I was just about to tell you.." Once again Harry's interupted.

Liam walks in my direction carrying roses and some of his jock friends carrying big pink cards. I freeze and I can feel myself stop breathing.

"T I need you," He says walking torwards me.

I look back to see Harry gone. Why did he leave me here alone? I hope he didn't think I wanted Liam back. I wanted Harry.

"Liam. I'll forgive you," I say and his eyes lighten up.

"So are we going to start all over again?" His eyes shine as he speaks.

"Not that way. I will forgive you Liam. But I feel like I'm in a different spot since we broke up a month and a half ago," I respond.

'So you won't take me back?" His voice cracks with this phrase.

"I can't. I love someone else. Someone who wants to be with me," I reply and his jock friends drop their cards in disbelief.

"But I want to be with you," He protests.

"That's not what you said when Sophia came around," I respond coldly. I mean it was true.

"But she's nothing compared to you. I mean you're one in a million. I miss us," He begs.

"Li I developed a lot of feeling for someone else. I said this before and I'm going to say it again," I explain and by that point the first bell had already rung.

"I hope you and Marcel are happy," He shrugs and pushes the roses into my chest.

I fumble with them as his jock friends kick the pink cards infront of me. I pick them up and dump all of the items in my hands in the nearest trash can. I hope Harry didn't think I picked Liam over him. I'd obviously pick him in a heart beat.

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