Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Taylor's POV

"Bye Harry," I say nervously as we part ways to go to our first class.

"So I heard you and Liam broke up," Arianna asks as soon as I enter first hour. 

"Sort of.." I reply ploping down next to Ed. 

"It'll be ok Tay," Ed comforts and I give him a weak smile. 

"What a shame, I mean Liam was so attractive and so sweet," Arianna tells Demi and they continue to whisper through out the hour. 

But this wasn't even the worst of it. Everyone was making up rumors of Harry and myself in a relationship. Then the insults came. 

"Oh my god she cheated on Liam with that nerd Marcel. what a slut!" One of the girls from my third hour whispers to her friend.

"Oh I know. Taylor's such a whore," She responds and they continue on talking. 

Those words hurt. I was hurt. Not just by what everyone was saying but by Liam. He threw our wholr relationship away for someone else and it stung. I mean I was in love with Harry but I couldn't just walk away from Li. Liam made everything better at times like these. Liam was my rock and now he was gone and I had no clue what to do. 

"Taylor, you haven't said one word," Selena awakes me from my thought as we sit at the lunch table.

"Just exhausted," I lie. I really didn't tell Selena my secrets because she sort of had a big mouth. That's where Harry came in. 

"Still sick?" She questions.

"Mhmm," I nod but Ed gives me looks of sadness.

I watch Liam sit with his jock friends laughing and having a good time. with out me. Like we never exisited. I sigh and then Harry and Louis sit down with us like they do everyday. I can't help but Harry watch me with sad eyes.

"Doin ok T?" he asks as Ed and Louis go on about football or something.

"Yeah," I respond holding back tears and I knew Harry knew I wasn't ok.

The rest of the day was filled with everyone calling me horrible things and terrible rumors. I decided what I needed to do. I needed to write. As soon as I got home I ran upstairs and grabbed my guitar. I didn't even bother doing my literature assignment. My hand began to tremble as I wrote whatever came to mind in my song book. I swallowed the large lump in my throat and let my hand scrawl down my random blurr of thoughts. 

Before I get to out of hand I hear a knock at the door. I ignore it and then I wipe off the running massacara from my face. I hear the knock again.

"Go away," I shout. 

"Taylor are you alright?" I hear Niall ask softly from the other side.

"Please go Niall," This time my words are less angry. 

"Tell me what's wrong," He replies.

"Since when do you care?" I yell again.

"Since always. Now what's wong sis?" He's a persistant little leprechaun. 

"Just...I don't want to talk to anyone right now? Alright?" I persist to get him to leave.

I then hear him leave and I keep writing. I wipe tears away but some manage to make their way to the page infront of me. Some of the ink smudges but I don't care. I just keeping feeling up pages with lyrics. First four, then seven and pretty soon nine. My hand goes numb but I can't stop. Liam broke my heart. Finally when I'm on page thirteen I decided to drop the pen. I take a look at what I have written. My messing handwriting revealed our whole relationship in one go.

"I remember it all too well."

I brush my fingers over that line because I did. I remember everything from when we first met at Selena's fiftteenth birthday party to this morning. 

"I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here"

This line on page ten stood out to me. That's how I felt. Crumpled. Broken. I furiously kick my songbook off the bed and then another stream of tears come. I rubbing my eyes that stung from crying and I crawl under the covers. Nothing could make me feel better at this point. Liam was all I ever knew when it came to a relationship.

I sigh as I hear another knock at the door.

(A/N): So this is how I actually pictured Tay to write All Too Well. Which is my fav song by her! So yeah...I hope she releases RED platinum with a ten minute version! well thanks again for reading :)

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