Go Away

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I swore I made a chapter after Headaches. Because I remember writing the fighting part. Then I remembered oh that's right I wrote it on microsoft word. Which by the way has 153 pages on it for this story. So it shows to tell that these wattpad pages are longer than your average one. Haha well enjoy! =)

XOXO Sammy


“So which is it?” I asked again when he didn’t answer me the first time. He looked helplessly around the now quiet room. “It’s both; I never wanted to let you both know that I had two types of cancers. I told you I'm dying.” He said and rose to his feet. “You’re lying to me,” I said facing his back.

 He sighed and looked at me. “I’m not lying to you,” his voice sounded heavy. “So why is it at times you sound so healthy and at other times you sound so weak?” I demanded.

 "Because sometimes my pain will be there and sometimes it won’t. It all depends on the type of pain I have and the painkillers I take that day.” He said.

“Sam, honey, settle down,” Jake said to me as I began to shake with rage. He’s lying to me I just know it. He can’t be healthy one minute and sound so weak the next. It’s just not fair to me to have him lie to my face and infront of my family. “Get out,” I said pointing towards the door.

“What?” He asked completely shocked.

“I said out, I don’t want you here in my house. You are lying to me about your disease, you’re not sick. You are just using me and my brother. Get out,” I repeated and stabbed my finger again towards the door.

“I’m dying!” He replied indignantly.

“Get out!” I shouted out. “Samantha!” Jake shouted the same time I shouted out. “What?” I asked slightly rude to him but not meaning to. “What?” I repeated but more gently.

“You’re shaking,” was all he said and I looked down at myself.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably and heat waves were rolling off me with each tremor I had. I breathing deeply but no matter what I was doing right now I couldn’t move.

“Get out of my house. I don’t want to see you back here when I get back,” I replied and ran out the house.


“Look what you did,” Sam said as soon as his sister ran out the house slamming the door behind her. Looks like I’m going to have to fix the door seeing as how it’s barely hanging on to the door frame with its hinges. “What I did? I’m dying. It’s the truth! I know I lied to you folks in the past but I’m not lying now – I’m telling the truth. You have to believe me. You just gotta!” Their father begged.

“Josh, you hurt these kids’ bad enough, I think you should leave now,” Billy said. “You are not their father, I am!” He raised his voice to my father. “Josh, just leave they don’t want you here.” Billy said to him in his calm voice. 

He looked at each one of us, Sam, Billy, Paul, Emily, Rachel, and finally me. He stabbed a finger in my direction and his face grew red.

“You are not to marry my daughter,” Josh said and Billy’s eyes widened into anger. “Why can’t I marry her?” I shouted out at him, standing out of my seat and seething in rage at this old man. “Because you guys are too young don’t make the mistake I made when I was your age.”

 “We are not like you, I actually love her and I won’t walk out on her like you did, I will stay with her. I will protect her from any and everything. Especially people like you.” I stabbed a finger in his direction and stepped forward.

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