Heart Breaks are Only the Beginning

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The next day I got up, went to school, did my homework, and went to work. I was done with all that by 6:20. All I have to do is wait 10 minutes for me to go and meet up with the rest of the pack. Since I didn't want to wait inside the house I decided to wait outside with a tank top and cut off shorts. Since I don’t get cold now, I have been wearing clothes that you would see people wear during summer. As I sat outside waiting for the call, I ran through the protocal in my head making sure I wouldn't screw it up.

I waited my time in patience and not long after I got outside I heard the howl. Once the howl rang out I ran into the woods and phased to my wolf form. I took my clothes off and tied it around my ankle so I wouldn’t have to go naked for a while, because lets face it if there are guys in this pack then being stark naked is going to be more than a little uncomfortable. Especially if one of them just so happens to be my ex-boyfriend. Breathing a deep breath I changed into my wolf self. I let the anger go through me, letting it rip through my muscles and bones engulfing me in a fire that didn't burn but felt good. Before I could take another step I was a wolf walking on all fours.

Sam’s mind rang throug my own letting me know where he was and how long it'll take me to get there. Within five minutes I ran seven miles and I was shocked because I thought it would have taken longer. When I got to the clearing I heard other voices and I got bewildered. Unfortunately for me through all the voices and thoughts that were clouding my mind one stuck out and got me. Oh, boy did it hurt me like no other pain before. Sadly that pain just so happened to be.....Jacob Black.

Running was the only thing that Leah claimed. Being that she was the only girl in the pack. And sadly being in this pack sucks. It made me break up with the only girl that I loved - besides Bella. I mean I know I had to break up with Sammy because I didn't want to hurt her. I didn't want to find my imprint then hurt her because of the stupide fact that I wouldn't be able to stay away from my imprint. Since my breakup Bella’s been trying to go out with me. What’s worst is that I like it. How horrible could I be?

You are horrible indeed Jacob. How can you do that to me?

Sammy is that you? You’re a wolf?! This is awesome! Now I can talk to you. And I can be with you now!

Whatever Jacob just go and be with Bella.

You heard that thing about Bella didn’t you? He sounded sad by what I heard about him and Bella, maybe even ashamed.

Yeah and just like I said I don’t care anymore.

Enough both of you stop all this fighting and bickering. Sam commanded. I nodded my head to show that I was sorry for causing it. Just as I was about to lift my head up from looking down, Jake and Leah came running in to the semi circle that had formed when Jake and I were talking.

You guys we have a new member to the wolf pack. I would like you guys to meet Sammy, Sammy this is Paul, Jared, Embry, Seth, Leah, and Jake. Sam gestured to each wolf in turn and I got to see who was who and stuff of that sort.

I got a chorus of hi’s from everyone and returned the favors. A wolf moved and I realized that it was Leah, Sam’s old girlfriend, who came to sit next to me. Then Sam howled so we all turned our attention to him.

Has anyone seen that redheaded vampire? Who was the last one to patrol and she came around?

I was confused and Sam obviously sensing my confusion and things of that nature came to my rescue once again.

Lately there has been this vampire with flaming red hair. She's been dancing along our borders and the Canadian borders. Just as we get close to her she dissappears. We don't know what she wants but she keeps coming back for more.

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