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Maya's pov

Last night was great. I watched my favorite movie with my favorite person and got Alex to really open up about himself. He even told me about the guy he kissed. His name is Tyler and from Alex's description, I assume he is very attractive. I told him that I wanted to meet this Tyler so we set up a dinner date for later after school. Oh yeah. I am going back to school for the first time in a while today. I'm really nervous though. I know that everyone knows I ran away and I also know that means I will get many stares as I walk down the hall today. The only thing that's going to help me get through this is having Lucas and Riley by my side. I brought up school to Alex but apparently he is really smart and graduated early last year, just like Farkle. We miss Farkle a lot, but we can only call him ever so often due to his busy schedule at Harvard. Lucas talked to him while I was away and hasn't had the chance to tell him that I'm back so I'm going to call him later.

I start working again tomorrow since I'm going back to my old schedule and working on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Alex will also be working at the bakery so that he can pay for Kalani better.

Our sleeping arrangement in this house right now is pretty hectic. I'm sleeping in my bed while Lucas and Alex sleep in the couches. There is only one long couch and since Lucas is taller, Alex let him have it. Now Alex gets the small couch and I feel bad because he sleeps really uncomfortably and because Kalani is all the way in my room and I know how protective he is with her.

I stood up and walked over to Alex at the kitchen table with an idea. "Alex!"


"You aren't sleeping on that small couch anymore. I know you hate being away from Kalani and you can't sleep uncomfortably. It makes you cranky."

"Maya I'm not letting you take that couch either, then you'll be uncomfortable."

"But I don't have to. My bed is big enough for the both of us. You can just sleep with me."

And this is when Lucas spit out his coffee all over the table.

"What?!? So you're not allowing me, your boyfriend, to sleep in the same bed as you, but he can? Oh no no no. That is not happening. He can sleep outside for all I ca-"

He was interrupted when me and Alex burst into laughter.

"What? What's so funny?"

I walked over to Lucas I wrapped my arms around him but kept my chest far enough away so I could look at his face. "It's funny because you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Lucas, Alex is gay."

Me and Alex started laughing again and the look on Lucas's face just made me laugh harder.

"Aww, Lucas. I'm sorry for making you feel inferior to Alex." I said while I tried to catch my breath from laughing so hard.

"Yeah dude, it's fine. I'm not into chicks."

"Alex, stop trying to sound like you grew up living the thug life. You are the farthest thing away from a gangster."

Lucas uncomfortably shifted and then spoke slowly."So. While we both slept on the couches. You weren't... Checking me out were you? I don't mean to sound rude or anything but-"

"Don't flatter yourself, Huckleberry. You're not really my type."

We all laughed at that and Lucas relaxed.

"Woah!" He tensed again. "Maya, don't start telling everyone all the nicknames, you know they bother me!"

"I know, I know, sorry. sorta."

He gave me a death glare but soon enough he was laughing along with me and Alex.


I was standing in front of the double doors that basically lead into hell. Lucas was holding my hand and trying to convince me to go inside.

"Lucas, I can't. I can't go in there knowing that every single person knows what happened. Its just too much."

"Maya, don't worry. There might be a couple stares here and there but don't worry about it. I am going to be right by your side the entire time."

I sighed. "Thanks. I think I'm ready to go in."

He smiled at me, squeezed my hand a little and started walking to the doors. He pushed them open and we walked in. He was right. I only got a couple people who watched me walk to my locker but that was it. Until I saw her. The girl from the diner from a while ago. I hasn't seen her since that day and I wasn't planning on doing so either. But here she was. Watching my every step with a glare on her face, and oh my, if looks could kill, I'd be dead for sure. I remembered what she said to me about backing off of Lucas and suddenly got really scared. I squeezed his hand very tightly causing him to look down at me in concern.

"What's wrong?"

"That girl over there. She's the one from the diner. The one that threatened me to stay away from you. Now she sees that we're together and-"

"Maya relax. She came up to me when I came back to school without you and was all over me. I told her that we were dating and for her to back off. It didn't seem like she was gonna try again so I just left it after she walked away. Don't worry, she's not gonna do anything to you."

"Okay. Thanks again."

He smiled at me again and I smiled back at him.

"I love you so much," he said lovingly.

"I love you more."


Hope you enjoyed another chapter!

I have a short funny story for you guys. So yesterday my cousin was over my house and we were messing around and playing games on my PS4. We were playing Grand Theft Auto and everytime I said 'hold up' he said 'are you ghetto or something?" I kept telling him that saying 'hold up' instead of 'hold on' doesn't mean your ghetto, but still he kept telling me to stop being ghetto. So yeah, hope you enjoyed my little story time. I was trying to make you laugh before I told you sad news. I think I'm going to end this story soon. It's not like I don't enjoy writing it but if I keep writing, it will just drag on. Don't panic though, in not ending it in the next chapter or anything but I'm thinking only like 5-10 more chapters, mostly leaning towards 10. I don't know I'll see when I write when a good place to end is. But until next time


Unable To Love//LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now