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We are on our way to Riley's right now and I am super excited. When we get to the-oh so familiar-apartment building, I climb through the window and see her laying in her bed, reading a book. She is so into her book that she doesn't even realize that I'm in here. I decide to surprise her and crawl next to her bed. I pop up next to her and say "watcha reading?"

She turns her head quickly in response to my voice, and immediately hugs me. "Maya I missed you so much." She says, face nuzzled into my neck.

"I missed you too, honey."

We pulled apart and she looked over at Lucas and Alex, probably confused as to who Alex is.

"Riley, that is Alex. We met each other on the subway in similar situations, and helped each other get through it."

She walked over to Alex and have him a hug. "Thank you for helping my best friend."

"No problem."

"Riley, there is something else about Alex that you should know."

"What is it?"

Alex answered instead. "I have a 10 month old baby girl named Kalani.

"Oh my god. When can I met her?" She had a giant smile on her face.

"Ms. Hart is watching her right now, but you can come over with us if you want. Also, Maya and Lucas want me to take you out to dinner, so if you want, we can do that too."

"Of course, I would love to. You seem like a really nice guy, Alex."

"Thanks. Now let's go."


When we finally arrived back to my house it was completely silent.

"Mom?" I called out.

"In here," she calls, sounding hushed.

We walk into my room to find my mom sitting on my bed, next to the crib, slowly rocking Kalani to sleep.

"Awwww," Riley almost squeals.

"Riley, shush. The baby is sleeping. If you wake her, she will cry."

"Okay, got it. Shh," she says while holding a finger up to her lips.

She slowly walks over to the crib and peers into it, staring at Kalani.

"She is so adorable."

"Thank you," Alex responds.

"Can we bring her with us?"


"Like, you know, on our date?"

"I don't know, what if she starts crying, or I have to change her-"

"I'll do it. Just, please. I just love her so much."

"Okay, fine. Whatever you want."


"So, you guys can go on your date now. Lucas and I are going to hangout here until you get back." I picked up Kalani and placed her into her stroller, before handing her off to Alex.

"Okay, thanks. Bye Maya." Riley took the stroller and began to roll it whole Alex followed behind her, laughing slightly.

"They are going to hit it off. I just know it. This date is going to go really well," I told Lucas.

"Yeah. So what are we gonna do while they're gone?"

"How about we watch a movie?"

"Sure. Just as long as it's not 'The Notebook'. I have watched that movie too many times. I swear, I think I might be able to say every line now." We both laughed before I answered.

"Perfect. That means we can just say the lines," I reached over and grabbed the DVD sitting on my dresser, " together!"

"No. No no no no no. I refuse to watch that movie, and there it's nothing you can do to make me watch it with you."



"You sure about that?"


"What if I promise to make you you're favorite dessert? You know, chocolate chip pancakes with ice cream?" It was a simple thing to make, but Lucas can't even measure the right amount of batter to put in the pan.

"No fair. You know that's my weakness."

"So are we watching the movie?"

Lucas let out a frustrated groan before answering. "Fine."

"Okay, let's get started."


By the time Riley and Alex got home, the movie had ended and I was asleep on Lucas' chest. I only woke up because Riley was shaking me.

"Maya. Maya wake up."

"What? What do you want? Did you and Alex hit it off?"

"Not exactly. Look, Maya, I need to talk to you." Now I was getting a little worried.

"Why? What happened? Where is Alex?"

"In your room. Just sit up and let me explain what happened."

I sat up and patted the spot next to me, signaling for her to sit down.

She sat dawn and began to tell the story.

"So, we went to that small café down the street and it was going great. He ordered me a coffee and we were sharing stories. He said that he had to use the restroom so he got up to go. When he didn't come back after like 20 minutes I got nervous. He didn't seem like the kind of guy to just ditch someone on a date, so I assumed something was wrong. I got up and started walking to the bathrooms. When I was almost there, I saw it. Alex was making out with someone."

"What? How could be do that? I'm gonna have to have a talk with h-" she cut me off and put her hand on my shoulder to stop me from standing up.

"No Maya, just hold on. Let me finish."

I nodded in response and she continued. "I walked around a little so that I could see who the person was. When the person's face came into view I realized that it wasn't anyone I expected it to be. It was a guy. Maya, Alex is gay."

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. How could this be? I never would have guessed that was what she was going to tell me.

When I could finally think of words that made sense, I spoke. That doesn't make any sense. He has a child. It takes a male and a female for that."

"Yeah. I Was confused too, so I went up to him. He started apologizing but I cut him off. I told him that it was fine and that I understood why he didn't say anything, but that I was confused about his child. He asked to talk in private so we went back to the booth. I think you should talk to him about the rest. I don't feel comfortable telling you, even though you're my best friend. It's personal."

"Its fine. I completely understand. I'm gonna go talk to him now."

"I hope everything goes well."

I stood up and walked over to my room. I placed my hand on the knob and pushed the door open.

Okay, so basically if you don't except Alex being gay, oh well. I strongly support this and if it is a problem then you can just not read this story. Sorry if this came off as rude but I just had to get that out.


Unable To Love//LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now