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We were driving for a little until we pulled into the parking lot of the small diner.

"Really? You took me out for dinner? You're so cheesy" I said with a laugh.

"I know" he said as he got out of the car to open my door.

"Why thank you kind sir" I said in a horrible British accent.

"No problem, M'lady."

"Okay, your accent is worse than mine" I said laughing.

"No way! Mine is waaaaaay better than yours."

"Keep telling yourself that" I said while patting him on the shoulder and walking towards the diner.

"Oh you are not getting away with that" he called before chasing after me. I tried to run but he caught up to me pretty fast. He grabbed my waist and lifted me into the air before placing me on his shoulder and continuing to walk to the entrance.

"Put me down!"

"Nah, I think I'm gonna keep you up there."

I kept punching his back, but he didn't seem to be affected by it at all.

"Punch me all you want, its not gonna make me put you down. I let out a sigh as I gave up trying.

"You're really annoying" I grumbled.

"I know."

We finally got to the diner, which I found out was called Paula's Diner, and Lucas finally put me down.

He talked to the hostess while I fixed my clothes, before grabbing my hand and leading me to follow the girl to our table. Once we were seated, we ordered our drinks and fell into comfortable silence as we searched our menus for something to eat.

"What are you getting? I've never been here before" I asked Lucas.

"I have had almost everything on the menu and I am going to say that it doesn't matter what you get because its gonna taste good."

I giggled a little before continuing to search my menu.

"Hey Lucas?"


"Why do you come here so much? You can literally go to any fancy, 5-star restaurant in the whole city, yet you still choose this one."

"Yeah. I don't like to go to fancy restaurants. There are a lot of people there, and I would prefer to not be recognized and harassed while I try to eat."

"So do you not like your fans?"

"I mean, I like seeing people who just calmly ask me for a picture or something, but it gets kind of weird when people ask me to sign parts of their body."

We both laughed for a little, before the waitress came back and we ordered. I got the steak and Lucas got a burger.

"I'll be right back, I have to use the bathroom" I said as I stood up.

"Okay" he flashed a smile before going on his phone.

I was washing my hands before someone came up from behind me and wrapped their arm around my neck in a choke hold.

I gasped for air, but couldn't find any. I looked in the mirror and saw that it was a girl that goes to our school. Her name is Katie, and she is one of the three popular girls.

"Stay. Away. From. Lucas."


"He is supposed to be with me. Not some unpopular scum like you." She toughened her hold on my neck before continuing. "If you don't stay away from him, you will regret it." She released my neck causing me to fall to the floor before she left the bathroom.

What was I supposed to do? Would she really do anything serious to hurt me? Just to be sure, I think that I should prevent things from going any further with Lucas.

I stood up off the floor and looked in the mirror, thankful that my jacket had a collar to hide the forming bruise around my neck.

I walked back out to Lucas and sat down. Or food had arrived while I was in the bathroom so I started eating. When we finished, he paid the bill and we walked back out to the car. He tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away.

"What's wrong?"

"Uh, nothing. I just don't want you to get the wrong idea. Cause, you know, we're just friends." As much as it hurt me to say it, it had to be done.

"Oh, well, I thought you said that you liked me. I mean you did kiss me," he said confused.

"Well that was then. This is now."


We got in his car and drove back to my house in silence. But this time it wasn't comfortable, it was awkward. When we got back to my house he walked me to my door.

"Thanks for dinner, Lucas. See you at school." I went to turn around but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"What's going on, Maya? I can tell that something isn't right. Whenever you say something about just being friends, I can see the reluctance in your eyes. Tell me what's bothering you."

"Nothing is bothering me Lucas! I just don't wanna be with you in that way! Not everyone wants to date you, so stop being so stuck up, and learn that you're not gonna be loved by everyone in life!" I yelled, before darting inside my house, leaving him standing there, confused as ever.

I ran in my room and cried into my pillow. My mom wouldn't be here tonight cause she had to work a double shift. I didn't care anyways, she wouldn't have known what to do to cheer me up, even if she was here with me. I just cried until I feel asleep, knowing that I was stupid for thinking that I could ever be in a relationship. Something always comes in and ruins things for me. And I just have to learn to accept that.

So, what do you guys think of Katie? Please don't hate me. I know that my updating schedule is seriously messed up.


Unable To Love//LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now