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Friday. It was Friday and I was scared out of my mind. But I had to loosen up. I had to show Lucas that I can be fun. I have to control myself though. I can't let the old me come back. It will completely destroy my life if I do. I was currently getting ready in Riley's room trying to figure out what to wear. I eventually decided on a red strapless dress with a beeded belt wrapped around the waist, black heels, my best friend necklace that I share with Riley - I have the "best" half - and I had Riley crimp my hair. I didn't want to wear a dress in the first place, but Riley insisted.

I was driving myself to the party just so I had another reason not to drink. When I arrive to the party the music is blasting and I see many girls who are wearing dresses that look like they are only half made, and many couples who are sucking each others faces off. I walk inside and see Lucas at the top of the stairs. Alone. It kind of looks like he is making sure that the party doesn't get too out of hand. Even though it looks like it has to me. As I walk up the stairs I notice that he has a drink in his hand. I stare at it, concerned. I don't enjoy watching people drink until they can't even walk straight any more. He noticed me and asked "you don't drink?"

"No." I replied quietly.

"I thought you said that you were fun." He said.

"I can be fun without being drunk."

"That might be kind of difficult."

"Not at all."

"Okay. Are you ready to prove to me that you can be fun?" He asked, inching closer to me with every word until he was towering over my small figure.

I let out a shaky breath before replying "I've never been more ready for anything in my life."

He stepped away from me, chuckling, and said "well I can't wait to find out how much fun you can be when you really let loose. Here, follow me."

He started walking down the stairs as I followed closely behind. We walked past a bunch of people who were either drinking or making out.

"Hey Lucas?" I asked.


"Why were you standing alone at the top of the stairs?"

"Oh. Well, you see. I can't really answer that question."

"And why not?"

"Because, frankly, I don't even know the answer myself." He said, leaving me a little confused. "Here we are!" He told me gesturing to the bar and the dance floor.

"I said I don't drink." I told him, getting a little annoyed.

"Relax. There are a couple drinks that don't have alcohol in them."

"Fine. Then I'm gonna go get a drink."

"Hurry back chica!" He yelled to me.

"Don't call me that! Its weird!" I yelled back.

I walked over to the bar and asked for a lemonade. When he handed me the drink I drank it so fast it was gone in seconds. It was quite bitter but I didn't mind so I asked for another one and drank that as well. I felt a little bit better so I decided to get up and go find Lucas. I walked over to the spot where I left him and he was surprisingly still there.

"Hey Friar!" I shouted over the loud music.

"Sup Hart?"

"You ready for me to show you that I can be fun?!"

"Show me watcha got!"

Fancy by Iggy Azalea came on. I started jumping to the beat with Lucas.

We danced together for a while until we both got tired and decided to sit down on the couch. I was actually having a lot of fun with Lucas. I still felt a little weird from the drink but I think that whatever it was just kicked in cause I did something that I didn't expect myself to ever do.

I kissed Lucas Friar.

Whoa, okay. How do you think he will react? Will he kiss her back, or will he push her off?


Unable To Love//LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now