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Lucas' pov•

I'm hurt, confused, and mad all at the same time. What happened? It was all so sudden. Did I said something? Do something? Did I mess up my chances with her? Was she too broken to be fixed? So many questions ringing through my head as I lay here on my bed with all of my emotions bottled up inside of me. I can't take it anymore!

I punched the wall. I puched it so hard that my hand went right through. And just my luck, there happened to be a nail behind it. The nail went deep into my finger, but not all the way through. Next thing I know I hear my bedroom door slam open.

"Stop making loud noises! I'm trying to focus on my work!"

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to let out all of my anger that has been bottled up inside me for too long.

"What work?!? You make your money off of my acting career, in case you forgot!! All you do all day is sit on your lazy ass and fill out paperwork for shows or movies that you want me to do! And you know what?!? I'm done! I don't want to do this anymore! I hate it, and you know it! But you keep on forc-"

I got cut off by the oh so familiar tingling pain on my cheek. That was all it took to make me loose it. I punched him. I punched him so hard that he stumble backwards, almost falling. Right after I looked in his eyes I knew it was a mistake. I tried to dart toward the exit and I made it to the stairs, before he caught my leg and tossed my like I was nothing. I went tumbling down the stairs and it felt like I would never stop. I would just keep on falling, never reaching my destination. But I did. I hit the floor so hard that everything went blurry. At this point, I wished that I had gotten knocked out, because he was coming. Running down the stairs just so he can finish me off. When he made it to the bottom, he lifted my head and looked at me.

"You just won't go out, will you?" I wasn't sure if he meant die or pass out. I was hoping the second one, but I'm pretty sure that wasnt the case.

He kicked me right in my face. Then my stomach, my head, my back. Everywhere. He kicked me until I'm pretty sure that every part of me was bleeding. But I was still conscious. Barely, but I was there. He lifted his foot once again, and I heard one last thing before everything went black. I heard the door open

*Maya pov*

I couldn't decide what to do. Should I just tell Lucas about the crazy girl that I interacted with in the bathroom, or should I just ignore him and not risk my life? It took me a while to decide, but I finally came to a conclusion.

I was on my way to Lucas's house with a million questions pooping into my head. Was he mad at me? Was he going to forgive me? was he even going to listen to me? Oh god. This was a bad choice. Maybe I should just turn back and go home. But it was too late for that. I was here. Sitting in his driveway. I slowly got out of the car. I walked up to his door and knocked. No answer. I went to knock again a couple minutes later. No answer. I knew that he was home. All three cars were parked in his driveway. I slowly turned the handle. Its unlocked. No! I can't do this! This would be considered 'breaking and entering'. But the door was already open. When I opened the door a little more I heard a voice saying something like "you don't go out?" I just assumed that it was the T.V. or something so I put one foot in a peeked my head around the corner. What I saw had me standing there shocked. Lucas, on the floor, his dad kicking him senseless. I panicked. I didn't know what to do so I grabbed the object closest to me. It was a lamp that had been sitting on the table next to the door. I slowly crept over to Mr. Friar. He turned to me when I got to close and I freaked out. I hit him in the head with the lamp. I hit him so hard that he fell to the floor. I didn't really pay any attention after that cause I really started panicking. I fell to Lucas's side and pulled out my phone dialing 911. I didn't know his address but they told me not to worry, they said they could track the phone. It only tool about 5 minutes for the ambulance to get there, but in the meantime I was cradling him in my arms. There was blood everywhere and i was balling my eyes out. I checked his pulse. Nothing. Thats when i started screaming. The ambulance finally arrived and they took him away. When they asked me my relationship to him I panicked and said 'girlfriend'. They let me into the truck with him and they started to try and revive him.

The doctors were shouting medical terms to each other and they were using the electric things to try and get his heartbeat going. When I heard the doctor call out "nothing" I started hyperventilating. Great. Just what they needed. Two people to worry about. One of the nurses came over to me and told me how to calm down. I finally started breathing regularly again, but my heart was still racing. We arrived at the hospital and they rushed him into the ER. I had to wait in the waiting room while I cried. I cried and cried until there were no more tears left to shed.

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