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•Alex's pov

I was on my date with Riley and everything was going great. She is a really sweet girl, which just makes me feel even more guilty. I didn't want to go on this date because I know I won't fall for her. But what was I supposed to do? If I said no, they would have asked why and I didn't really feel like coming out to them like that. I needed to take a breather so I went to the bathroom.

I was sitting on the counter in the bathroom when another guy walked in. I look up and do a quick scan of him. Oh. My. God. I don't think I've ever seen a guy this attractive before in my life. He has blonde hair and blue eyes, abs you can see through his shirt, and kind of resembles a surfer.

When I saw him turn his head towards me I quickly looked to the ground to avoid him catching me staring.

I heard his footsteps walk toward me until his feet came into my line of vision. I slowly raised my head and scooted a little bit backwards.

"Watcha doing sitting alone, on a counter, in a public bathroom?"

"I'm on a date." I stated simply.

"Things aren't going too well, I assume?"

"No, things are fine, well, she is a great person but... She's just, not really my type."

"Well I'm guessing it's that girl out there sitting alone at one of the tables since she is the only person sitting alone. But, then I would like to know what's wrong with her, she seems great to me. Smiling even though no one is there to see. I can tell she is a genuinely happy person," he said with a smile of his own on his face.

"Well, the only thing wrong is the fact that- well she- she's just not-"

"A guy?"

I was shocked. "What?"

"I was just asking if you don't like her because she is a girl, and that's not what your looking for."

"Are you a mind reader or something?"

He chuckled. "No. Let's just say I find myself sitting alone, on a counter, in public bathrooms quite often," he said, laughing slightly.

"Are you-"

"Gay? Well that depends on who you ask. If it's anyone besides me, it's no. But they don't know me at all." He smiled at me.

We sat there for a little in silence until I figured I had been in the bathroom for a little bit too long. I stood up and walked out the door. I was about to turn the corner when someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back in front if the bathroom door.

"You're just gonna leave without saying goodbye?"

"Oh sorry I didn't mean t-"

He cut me off by chuckling, "it's fine. But you have to make it up to me."

"Um. Okay? I don't really know what to do-"

"Oh just shut up." And with that, he leaned in and crashed his lips onto mine. It took me a little to realize what had just happened, but once I did I relaxed and kissed back.

We were only interrupted when I heard a gasp. We pulled apart and I turned to face Riley. Guilt immediately took over. "Riley I am so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to hurt you. I just didn't want to come out yet. I know it's selfish and I'm stupid but-"

"Alex, it's fine. I understand why you didn't come out. I know it's hard.

I sighed, smiling slightly. "Thank you, Riley."

Unable To Love//LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now