Moving Out

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Drew: 19
(Drew's pov)
"You guys are so fucked. Basically your parents are no longer responsible for you. You're on your own now," Andre jokes around with me and Rachel as we walk into his living room, about to leave. Rachel and I are getting ready to move in to our first apartment.
"We're grown ups now Andre," I smirk playfully and Rachel giggles as we approach Uncle Khalil and Aunt Kayla.
"Is this kid giving you a hard time?" Uncle Khalil joins in, which makes Rachel giggle even more.
"Whatever," Andre grins and shakes his head.
"Are you guys leaving already? Aw, we're going to miss you guys so much. Please visit us, will you?" Aunt Kayla hugs both me and Rachel.
"Of course we will," Rachel hugs back and speaks lovingly.
"Take care of yourself Bieber," Uncle Khalil pats my back as Andre rushes us out the door.
"C'mon let's go!" Andre just wants to see the impossible drama we'll encounter with Rachel's parents. They don't despise me, especially after all the shit I've done. As a matter of fact, their attitude towards me hasn't shifted at all. We're all family.
"You do know there's no hard feelings between me and Rachel's parents, right?" I smirk at Andre while we walk along the sidewalk.
"Ok, so you wouldn't have a problem demonstrating a hot make out session with Rachel?" Andre winks at Rachel and keeps smirking at me.
"I wouldn't have a problem demonstrating how to kick your ass," I shoot back teasingly, making Rachel crack up.
"That'd be a bad example of a responsible grown up. Don't you think?" Andre keeps smirking, not letting up on the playful argument.
"You're right," I give up and intertwine my hand with Rachel's.
"Of course I am," Andre chuckles boastfully before opening the front door of Rachel's house.
"Mom, dad, are you here?" Rachel calls as Andre and I follow behind.
"Rachel, is that you? Honey we're in the kitchen," Aunt Brooke responds, and Rachel motions us to follow her.
"Yeah, we came to say goodbye," Rachel smiles warmly and extends her arms for a hug.
"Aw, you guys are so grown," Aunt Brooke gazes at all three of us in amazement.
"Are you guys going to miss this place?" Uncle Chaz asks specifically me and Rachel.
"Yeah, we're going to miss everything," I confess while putting my arm around Rachel.
"Well, you two take care of each other," he speaks proudly, and I know he's talking to me. He wants me to take care of Rachel especially. I'm aware of it, and I know that Rachel should be my first priority. I have a lot of responsibilities by moving out, and Rachel is the most important.
"We will," I nod affirmatively as Rachel squeezes my arm gently.
"I know you two are in a rush to see Drew's parents—" "No no, we have plenty of time," I assure them that we're not in a rush at all.
"Oh, ok. Well, in that case, I'm making a blueberry pie for you guys to take with you. It should be about another 15 minutes," my aunt smiles, and now that she's said that I can smell the sweet, fruity scent in the air.
"Aw c'mon. That's not fair!" Andre playfully whines, making us all crack up.
"Oh, I'm sure Drew and Rachel will share with you," Uncle Chaz grins amusingly.
"Eh..." I shrug, pretending like I'm not going to share a bite.
"Yes, we are," Rachel giggles at my fooling around.
"Are you guys excited?" Aunt Brooke asks curiously and excitedly.
"Yeah totally. We're going to college, so we won't be bored all day. Plus we have jobs, so we can pay for anything we need," Rachel states proudly, and it makes us sound older than we actually are.
"Wow, you guys got it all figured out," my uncle beams, which makes Rachel smile shyly.
"And how are you Andre?" Aunt Brooke asks Andre, who's listening to the conversation.
"Oh I'm great. Not quite moving out yet, but I'm taking it easy until college starts," he explains nonchalantly and smoothly, as if he doesn't have a worry about anything.
"I'm glad you're in no hurry to grow up. These two will be married in no time," Aunt Brooke jokes around with us, making us both blush a little.
"I've already got my speech ready," Andre purposely plays along, knowing that it's making us uncomfortable. Oh, I'm going to kill him.
"Oh, the pie's ready. Be right back," Aunt Brooke says once the oven beeps, and I can't wait to taste the desert.
"I get the first bite!" Andre declares, shoving me aside to get a closer look at the pie.
"No, it's mine!" I shove back, and we play fight as Aunt Brooke sets the pie on the counter.
"Yeah? Well she's my mom, so technically it's mine," Rachel cuts in between us, standing beside the steamy pie.
"None of you can have a bite of this until after you eat dinner. I'm sure Christie has worked her ass off making you a nice meal. Don't spoil it," Aunt Brooke speaks demandingly, pointing a finger to us.
"Ugh, fine," Andre groans while tilting his head back.
"Speaking of which, you guys should get going. It's already 7pm," she checks her watch, and I guess I didn't realize how much time we've spent.
"Ok. I'm going to miss you Mom and Dad," Rachel hugs her parents, and Andre and I join in to form one huge embrace.
"You guys are going to make me cry," Aunt Brooke mumbles and her voice quivers.
"Aw mom," Rachel hugs her tighter before we all pull apart.
"I'm really going to miss you honey," my aunt dries her eyes before tears can build up.
"We'll still be here. We just won't be in the same city," Rachel smiles sympathetically.
"I know. Don't mind me. Go on now. I'm sure Drew's parents are waiting for you," Aunt Brooke leads us to the front door, changing the subject.
"Bye. I love you," I wave goodbye to my aunt and uncle as we walk along the sidewalk.
"We love you too," they wave back; then we continue walking, the pie in my hands.
"Can't we just sneak a bite?" Andre hovers over the dish in anticipation.
"No, we're going to wait. Trust me, I want it too," I keep the pie at a fair distance between all of us.
"Then maybe I should hold it," Rachel puts her hand out with a questionable smile.
"No, I'm holding it," I tighten my hold on the still-warm dish.
"Well that's not very fair, is it?" she crosses her arms sassily.
"Babe, it's totally fair," I smirk as the wind blows mercilessly at us. Luckily it's not that cold, unless we'd all be frozen to death by now.
"I don't think it is," she purposely keeps the argument going, and I have a feeling she's fully aware of how much of a turn-on she is.
"You know what else isn't fair—" "Damn, you guys are just like a married couple!" Andre chuckles jokingly and teases us.
"Shut up man. Oh and thanks for putting us on the spot earlier at Rachel's," I playfully shove him as I see my house come I up view.
"It was hilarious! You know it's true," he continues to play around, making me smile. I mean, it's possible.
"Whatever," I open the door to my house and hold the door for them.
"Drew, you're just in time. How are you baby?" Mom smiles and welcomes me with a hug.
"I'm good. It smells amazing in here. What'd you make?" I ask in the hug as dad walks into the room.
"Homemade chicken nuggets with mashed potatoes and broccoli," mom smiles warmly, leading us to the dinner table.
"Yum!" Andre sits down, and I pull out a chair for Rachel to sit.
"I guess I taught you well," dad does the same to mom, smiling proudly at me.
"Wow. My parents didn't teach me shit," Andre says as we fill our plates with mom's amazing cooking.
"Andre, I'm sure your dad has taught you something," dad grins, and I find myself listening in.
"Yeah, he taught me how to call everyone by their last name, politely," Andre cracks a joke, which makes us start laughing.
"Don't tell him I said that," Andre adds on; then we start eating.

We have conversations throughout our meals, like where we're staying and how we're going to manage. We talk about college, and what we're studying. We also talk about jobs, contact with each other, and money. It's just a bunch of grownup stuff, but I figure we're going to have to hear it sooner or later.
"Oh, my mom made blueberry pie. Would you like some?" Rachel offers generously.
"Sure," my parents accept it, so I get a knife from the kitchen. Andre and I serve the ladies first before serving my dad and ourselves.

"We're going to miss you so much," mom sounds sad to see me go, and I know this is probably affecting her the most.
"I'll call you every chance I get, and I'll visit you often. I promise," I envelop my mom comfortingly, hugging her tightly.
"I love you so much. Oh, I wish you didn't grow up so fast," mom touches my cheek and smiles proudly yet bummed out.
"Me too mom," I kiss her cheek; then dad hugs me.
"Stay safe. Call me whenever you need me, ok?" he pats my back supportively after breaking the hug.
"Yessir," I grin thankfully and return the gestures.
"I love you," he takes mom in his arms and I say, "I love you too."
"Alright. Looks like we better get going. We'll see you guys soon, and love you very much," Rachel and Andre hug my parents as I grab the car keys.

We say our final goodbyes; then I feel a wave of devastation wash over me. I don't want to leave. I don't want to give this all up. There's no use trying to fight it, because I'm going to miss everything: my parents, my bed, the feeling of home. Most of all, I'm going to miss my mom. She makes me feel like a kid, like I don't have to worry.
So I get back out of the car and I run to my mom, giving her a big hug.
"I'm going to miss this," I squeeze my eyes shut to hold back my feelings.
"It'll be ok baby. You've got everything you need. It's all going to work out," mom hugs back with the same feelings.
"Can you still make my cookies?" I look up at her like I've always have, ever since I was little.
"Of course I can," she smiles and breaks the hug, and I realize how silly I look in front of everyone. But I don't care.
"You need to get going. You're friends are waiting," mom says, so I nod, feeling a bit better. I turn back around and head to my car.
"Mama's boy," Andre mutters jokingly when I shut the door.
"Shut up," I start the car before pulling out of the driveway.

(A/N: I finally posted!!! I made it really long to make up to you guys☺️ even though you deserve way more for your patience 😁😁 I want you let you know how sorry I am for making you wait. It's just been so hard and I'm going through a lot of personal issues. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, but don't worry about me. I'm trying to write in my spare time so hopefully I'll post more. Next post should be on Sunday, if not Monday)

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