Drew's 13th Birthday

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Justin: 31
Christie: 30
Drew: 12, about to be 13
(Christie's pov)
Drew's got some friends coming over for his birthday. Khalil, Kayla, Chaz, and Brooke are bringing Andre and Rachel too, because Drew wants them over.
"Too early?"
Kayla asks when I open the door.
"No, you're fine."
I smile at her and let her enter the house with Khalil walking behind.
"Hey Christie."
He greets me with a kiss on the cheek as I see another car pull up. I think it's one of Drew's friends. Oh, I hate talking to unfamiliar people. It makes me nervous and scared, because what if they don't like me? What if I look like a bad mother?
"Christie, babe, I'll get it."
Justin's hands gently caress my waist, and I nod before walking away from the door.
"Where's the birthday boy?"
Kayla keeps an eye on Anthony, her younger son.
"He's upstairs, and I'm guessing that's where Andre went too."
I notice that Andre's not in the room anymore.
"They're probably playing video games or something."
Kayla smiles and links her arm in Khalil's.
"Chaz is here."
Justin calls from the door, so I get up and stand by him.
"Hey you guys."
Ryan greets us with Brooke and Rachel beside him.
We all give each other hugs before Rachel dashes upstairs. She's Drew's age, so they're pretty close.
"Your daughter's so beautiful."
I lead Brooke where Kayla and Khalil are.
"Thanks. Drew's looking good too."
Brooke talks to me as she greets Kayla and Khalil. Justin's greeting the parents of one of Drew's friend. I think that's the last person, so we can actually start the party.
"They're upstairs."
Justin kindly tells Drew's friend. He's so good with kids.
"I think we should order pizza."
Chaz suggests, so I order in a pizza.
"So what do us, adults, do?"
Khalil jokes around, making Justin head towards the kitchen.
"We get drunk."
Justin comes back with a wine bottle.
"I don't know about drunk."
Kayla grins as she takes a glass of wine.
"You're right. Maybe just a little tipsy. The kids won't know."
Justin hands me a glass, so I take it with a smile.
"You guys have a cake?"
Chaz asks as he accepts a glass.
"Yep. It's in the fridge. We also have candles."
Justin keeps pouring glasses until we all have one.
"A toast..."
Justin runs out of words, smiling adorably.
"To Drew."
Brooke finishes his sentence, and we all agree.
"Where's Brie and Za by the way?"
I ask with Justin's arm around my waist.
"Oh, they're having dinner together. How cute is that?"
Kayla smiles as she sips from her wine.
"That's pretty cute-"
The doorbell rings, so Justin gets up to answer it. It's probably the pizza. When Justin returns he's carrying two boxes of pizza. Chaz, Ryan, and Khalil both stand and head into the kitchen to get plates for us.
"I'll go get Drew and the others."
I volunteer and head upstairs to Drew's room. The sound of guns, explosions, and car honking erupts from behind his door. He's playing video games.
I gently tap on his door, speaking loud enough for him to hear.
I hear the noise stop before Drew opens his door, his brown hair falling a little past his ears.
"The pizza's here."
I smile at him, acknowledging his friends.
"Sweet, ok. We're on our way."
Drew nods and smiles, reminding me of Justin.
"5 minutes."
I give him five fingers, motioning to five minutes.
"Got it."
He helps Rachel down from his bunk bed.
"I can get down myself, you know?"
Rachel sasses him a little, but she doesn't take her hand away.
"I know."
Drew smirks, along with Andre and his other friends. It makes me wonder if Drew's flirting with her. Brooke might be right about the whole Drew-Rachel relationship. I head downstairs before I get caught staring.
"What is it babe?"
Justin catches me smiling to the moment.
"Nothing. I'll tell you later."
I accept a slice of pizza and a water before we sit on the couch.
"Ok. Later."
Justin kisses my cheek and starts moving his hand up my shirt, meaning he wants to have sex later.
"Ew, mom, dad, get a room."
Drew whines as he comes downstairs.
Justin and I apologize while Drew's friends hide their smirks. Khalil, Ryan, and Chaz serve the pizza while Kayla, Stacy, and Brooke serve drinks.
"Thanks for the pizza."
The kids thanks us while eating at the table.
"No problem."
Justin grins from the sofa.
"Oh, and stay here after you finish eating. We've got a surprise for you."
I nudge Justin, telling him that we're going to bring out the cake.
"More surprises?"
Drew hates being spoiled, just like me.
Justin beams; then he gets up to throw his trash away. We brought Drew to Pancake House for breakfast this morning, and we gave him $100 to spend it on whatever he wants.
After dinner's over, Stacy, Kayla, Brooke, and I head to the kitchen to get the cake. Khalil, Za, Ryan, and Justin get the candles and light them. Then we all start singing Happy Birthday to Drew. I know he saw it coming, but it still feels nice to know he's loved.
"Make a wish, baby."
I put my arm around him while the song ends. Drew closes his eyes; then he blows the candles out, and we clap for him.
"Happy birthday."
I give him the biggest hug, and he hugs me back. I could never ask for anything better.
"Thanks you guys."
Drew hugs everyone else after he kisses my cheek. Justin cuts the cake and serves us a slice. He even remembers to give me a slice with the least amount of icing.
"Just how you like it."
Justin nudges me as I take a bite from my cake.
I lick my lips and smile, making his eyebrows raise.
"Is that sass?"
He leans closer, eying my every move.
I smile shyly and look away.
"That sounds like sass to me."
Justin smirks while whispering in my ear.
"You'll get what you want...later."
I take the last bite of cake before Drew hugs me again, tightly, taking me by surprise.
"I love you mom and dad."
Drew pulls Justin into the hug, making me feel proud of everything I've done for him to make it to 13 years old.

(A/N: I am so freaking late. I'm sorry about the hold up. I just haven't had much time to write bc of school. But here's another post and the next one is on Thursday)

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