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Justin: 21
Christie: 20
Drew: 2
(Christie's pov)
"That smells amazing baby."
Justin just came out of the shower. He jumped in right when he came home from work.
"I'm making chicken nuggets, homemade."
I smile from the kitchen. Drew's in the living room, where I can see him, watching cartoons.
"Sweet. Do you need help?"
Justin walks up behind me and takes my waist in his hands. He smells clean and the humidity of his shower is still on his skin.
"Sure. You can start the broccoli."
Finishing up the chicken nuggets, I smile at him and wash my hands off. I place the chicken nuggets on a piece of foil and add in some frozen french fries before placing them in the oven.
"How was your day baby?"
Justin asks while turning on the stove for the broccoli.
"It was pretty much the same. You?"
After closing the oven, I lean against the counter.
"Well I arranged our trip to Florida."
He moves closer and puts his hands on the counter on either side of me. His hair is in his eyes so I comb it back, keeping my hand on the back of his neck.
"I'm excited."
I smile at him and stroke my fingers over his skin.
"Me too."
He glances behind me at Drew, then looks back at me with a smirk.
"Drew's going to love it."
I place my other hand on his tattooed arm, and he nods with a grin.
"What do you say after dinner we-"
The house phone rings and Justin pauses, widening his smile before stepping away to answer it.
"Hello...What?...Shit! Ok-ok, we're on our way."
Justin's expression changes from nonchalant to alert, and he practically slams the phone down.
"What happened?"
My heart speeds up and I step close to him.
"Stacy's in the hospital. The baby's coming."
Justin hurriedly turns off the stove and oven.
"Oh my god."
I breathe out and go over to get Drew. Justin takes the pan out of the oven as I turn off the tv.
"Let's go."
Justin grabs his car keys and I rush out to the car with Drew in my arms. I put Drew in his car seat as Justin starts driving.
"Did she just get there?"
I put my own seatbelt on, sitting in the back sigh Drew.
"Yea. Ryan didn't explain much."
Justin speaks, and drives fast. It reminds me of his driving when we first met.
"Be ready to jump out babe."
Justin says as we get closer to the hospital.
I start unbuckling Drew from his seat, holding him in my arms. When Justin parks, we hop out and head inside the hospital.
"Christie, Justin."
Brie greets us, looking anxious yet frantic.
"Is she doing ok?"
I ask, noticing Za, Kayla, and Khalil behind her. I don't think Chaz and Brooke are here yet.
"As far as I know, she is."
Brie nods, but she still seems worried. I am too.
"We just have to wait. Cross your fingers that all goes well."
Kayla speaks from her seat next to Khalil.
I take a deep breath and sit down, calming myself. Drew and Rachel play with kid toys on the carpet as we wait for a sign. Justin motions me to sit on his lap so I take a seat on him, feeling his warm chest beneath his shirt. His hair is still slightly damp, and I run my hands through it to even it out. He caresses my back gently, smiling affectionately at me. There's a hint of concern in his eyes, and I know it's because of Stacy and Ryan. We're all hoping things work out ok for them.
"You need to shave."
Smiling at him, I brush my thumb over his upper lip, feeling tiny bristles of hair. He quietly chuckles and removes my hand from his face.
"So do you...but in different places."
He smirks and whispers in my ear, and it makes me blush.
"Guys guys, come here."
Ryan suddenly opens the door, looking exhausted but happy at the same time. We all get up and head in through the hospital door. With Drew back in my arms, I follow Justin into the hospital room which Stacy is in.
"Hey Stace."
Brie greets Stacy, who's laying in the hospital bed. Her breaths are shaky, and her cherry red hair is pulled into a messy bun. Her eyes are half open, but there's a smile on her face. In her arms, lay a newborn baby with a blue blanket wrapped around him. The whole scene reminds me of myself when I gave birth to Drew. I know how exciting and worth-the-effort it is to hold your baby in your arms. It's the best moment of your life. Nothing can replace it.
"Oh, he's so beautiful. What's his name?"
Kayla and everyone else gazes at the baby.
Stacy smiles as she caresses the baby. Her voice is exhausted yet breath taken, in a good way.
Everyone stares in awe at the baby, occasionally checking on Stacy. Justin fondles my back, and I break my gaze at the baby to look at Justin.
"Congratulations Stacy."
Justin gently pats Stacy's shoulder, and she thanks all of us.
"It's hard work right?"
Brooke smiles warmly at Stacy and Victor.
Stacy giggles tiredly and hugs Victor against her chest.
"We should let you rest. You deserve a full night of sleep."
Khalil states and we all agree, even Ryan.
"Ok. Will you come visit me in the morning?"
Stacy hesitantly hands Victor to Ryan, and he places a gentle kiss on the baby's head.
"Of course. That's the first thing we'll do."
Za smiles with Brie in his arms.
"We'll even bring you breakfast. Panera Bread?"
Chaz speaks generously as we exit the room.
"That sounds perfect."
Stacy rests her head against her pillow and pulls the sheets over herself. Justin embraces me and Drew in his arms once we're in the hallway.
"I'm so thankful for you guys."
He presses his lips to my neck and murmurs gingerly. It makes me smile, everything.
"Me too."
I move my fingers behind his neck, stroking them over his skin.
"I love you."
Those words are so special. They never get old, even on my worst days.
"I love you too."
To say these three words is like pure devotion. I can feel how strong the whole phrase is, so strong that nothing can break us apart.

(A/N: This is a short post but I hope you like it anyway.😋 And don't worry. I'll be posting Lonely on Saturday😁 Btw I'm going to start working on a trailer for Lonely too☺️)

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