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(Christie's pov)
Justin: 24
Christie: 23
Drew: 5
Shit. Shit. Shit. There's a problem. There's a major problem.
I open a new pregnancy test, for the third time this morning. My heart is pounding rapidly, and my hands are clammy. My head is buzzing in trepidation. There are five pregnancy tests on the floor, only one showing that I'm not pregnant. Dammit. I can't be  pregnant. Justin wore a condom. We used protection.
After this test shows I'm pregnant, I give up and start crying. I've been up since 4am, doing tests, drinking several bottles of water, all to show I'm pregnant. Justin's going to kill me. He's-
"Shit, Christie what the hell are you doing?"
Justin walks in on me, and covers his eyes. It's not that he doesn't want to see me with no pants on. It's more like a sign of respect.
"Christie...why are you crying?"
Justin glances at the tests, then back at me, swallowing hard.
"...I'm, uh, I don't know what happened. Justin, we used protection right?"
I stutter as I sob into my sweaty hands.
"Yea, we did. Babe, please tell me this isn't true."
He scans the tests on the floor as I pull my panties back on.
"I don't know."
My sobs grow deeper and I can feel my head buzzing in numbness.
"Christie, you need to calm down babygirl. How long have you been awake?"
Justin caressed my shoulder while he dries my eyes.
Hearing my words, I feel myself become tired, really tired.
"Damn, Christie you need to get some sleep."
He speaks solicitously as he kneels in front of me.
"I'm scared Justin."
Another tear rolls down my cheek, making Justin give me a sympathetic look.
"Don't be scared baby. Do you feel sick? Does anything hurt?"
Justin questions me as he rubs my shoulder.
"I feel a little nauseous."
I shake my head and keep crying my eyes out.
"Baby, listen to me. It's going to be ok. Don't cry anymore. We're gonna figure this out."
He dries my eyes before lifting me in his arms. He sets me on the couch downstairs and wraps me in a blanket. Then he walks back upstairs. I try my best to put a halt to my crying, but it's not that easy. What if I'm actually pregnant? I can't have another baby. As much as I want one, I'm too scared to try because I remember how difficult it was when I had Drew. I died for a good minute or two. Plus, my condition is not good at all. My body has been through hell and back, then back to hell and back, then a couple more times into it. There's no way I'll make it out alive.
"Thanks man. I'm on my way."
Justin comes back with Drew following him.
"Chaz is willing to take care of Drew for us. We need to get to a hospital."
Justin lifts Drew in his arms, and I quickly pull on some sweatpants before following him into the car. We put Drew in his car seat before Justin starts the car. My heart is beating in fear. I'm scared out of my mind and feel a little guilty for not being more careful last night.
"Hey, don't worry. We don't know for sure yet."
Justin places his hand on my hand, which is clenched into an anxious fist. Trying to relax, I nod and unclench my fists.
"Stay here baby. I'll be right back."
Justin parks at Chaz's house and gets out. I bite my lip and fight back tears at the thought of being pregnant. I don't know what to do. This could fuck everything up. A lot of unthinkable things can happen. I can die, the baby can die, I can end up a wreck, Justin'll be upset.
"Baby, stop overthinking this. It's gonna be fine."
Justin squeezes my hand when he returns, but his eyes are worried sick about it too. He's just as scared as I am. He's just not showing it like I am.
When he arrive at the hospital, Justin puts his arm around me and leads me inside.
"Go sit down babe. I'll figure this out."
Justin motions me to sit, so I do, as he talks with the lady at the front desk.
"Ok, it's a ten minute wait."
Justin sits beside me and pulls me close. Then I burst into tears again.
"Shh, it's ok babygirl."
Justin tightens his hold on me and caresses my back.
"I'm so scared. What if I am? It'll ruin everything."
I sob from the trepidation and fear, my face buried into Justin's chest.
"Don't think about it baby. There's a chance."
But that makes me cry harder, because it makes me doubt him. This is all my fault. I was being too careless and now I have to suffer all over again.
"Christie Bieber."
A nurse calls for me, and I tense up on Justin.
"Give us a minute."
Justin says before unwrapping me from his body.
"Listen babe. You need to calm down. Take deep, slow breaths and look at me. Just relax, and we'll deal with our problems later. It's going to be fine. I promise."
Justin cups my face in his hand and looks me in the eye. He wipes away my tears as he speaks; then he kisses me.
"Let's go baby."
He stands up and extends his hand to me. Easing my anxiety a little, I take his hand and follow him to the nurse.
"Right this way."
She leads us to a hospital room, where she quickly takes my blood pressure and temperature.
"Have you had any symptoms of pregnancy?"
She asks with a clipboard and pen in her hands.
"A little nausea and body aches."
I mumble, fighting back another wave of tears as Justin keeps his arm around me in consolation.
"Is that all?"
The nurse asks as she writes on her clipboard. Quietly, I nod and wipe my eyes.
"Ok, I'm just going to take your blood."
She ties a rubber band on my arm, wipes my skin, then sticks a needle in me. I wince a little and Justin keeps his hand on my shoulder.
"Ok, your will be tested and you'll receive answers shortly."
The nurse tells us before leaving the room.
"We used protection right?"
I mumble the question to Justin.
"I'm sure we did-"
"But the tests came out positive."
I'm so anxious and worried, and it's obvious.
"Christie, we don't know-"
"And I'm scared. Justin, what's going to happen to us?"
Tears build up all over again, so Justin stands up and faces me, his hands on my both of my shoulders.
"Stop overthinking this baby. Nothing's going to happen to us. So just wait. Ok? Be patient and stay calm before you scare me too."
He speaks with strictness yet comfort, and there's a long pause after his sentence. He's so calm about this and the last thing I want is to scare him, so I shut my mouth and nod. Justin sits back down and pulls me in his lap, where he appeases me with his touch and warmth.
After I finally eased myself, I eventually grew tired of waiting and dozed off in Justin's arms. It's a light sleep, and ever so often I'll wake up to every wave of sound, such as an occasional footstep or Justin clearing his throat. It's when I hear the door open that I flip my eyes open and tense up. I'm freaking again, which is against everything that Justin's told me.
"Alright, we tested your blood to see if you're pregnant..."
The nurse scans a piece of paper in her hands. Justin's fingers sink into my waist, signaling that he's just as nervous.
"It says you are not pregnant. Now the nausea and body aches may have been coincidental..."
The nurse explains, but I block out the rest. I'm just happy that I'm not pregnant. Oh, shit that could've been a nightmare. My chest feels less heavier, and all the trepidation fades away.
"Christie, baby."
Justin nudges me out of my thoughts, and I look up to realize that the nurse is telling me something.
"I'm sorry."
I apologize and ask her repeat herself.
"The nausea might be from lack of food. Did you have breakfast?"
The nurse asks.
"Not yet."
I've been crying all morning.
"And the aches are probably from lack of sleep."
The nurse explains and I nod.
"As far as I know, you're good to go."
The nurse smiles kindly and Justin stands up. He looks so relieved, so I hug him tight.
"Thank you."
He thanks the nurse and she gives us an appreciated nod before leaving.
"Let's go get Drew baby."
Justin lifts me up in his arm as I cling onto him. He kisses my cheek as we leave the building, holding onto each other

(A/N: Sorry for the late post. And you know how much I like to make you guys wait. That's why I'm posting Lonely on Friday. Jk tbh I'm just a slow writer.)

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