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(Drew's pov)
"3 minutes left."
My teacher points to the clock. There's no way in hell that I'm going to finish this damn math test. I'm too engulfed with the thought of seeing Rachel after this. We're supposed to do homework together. Ugh, what the fuck. I have an A in math. The worst I can get is a B. I guess the last few questions before turning in my test. My fingers tap on my desk in anticipation. I watch the clock precisely, waiting for the last bell to ring.
"Alright, time's up!"
My teacher yells just as the bell rings, and I jump out of my seat and rush out the door. I get to my locker, pack up, and head out of the school.
"Hey babe."
Rachel jumps in my arms, and it startles me a little.
"Hey. Are you hungry? I was thinking we could catch some lunch before we go."
I ask while hugging her tightly. Her hair is down today, and she's wearing some kind of fruity perfume.
"Sure. Yeah, I'm hungry too."
Rachel breaks to reach for her backpack.
"I'll take that for for babe."
Grabbing her backpack, I smile and put it over my shoulder.
"Well aren't you a gentleman."
She grins in a blush, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"What's on the way there?"
I take her hand and we start walking to our usual homework spot. It's only between Rachel and me, and it's only on Wednesdays. Andre has basketball practice on Wednesdays, and we usually pick him up on the way home.
"There's a Whataburger across the street. Is that good?"
I look both ways before walking across the street.
"Yeah. I mean, we're already here."
She giggles in sarcasm.
"Is that a yes?"
Chuckling, I open the door for her.
"I'll let you answer that."
Her smile tells me that she's kidding around.
"Watch it babe."
I smirk at her before stepping up to the counter.
"We'll take an two orders of chicken strips, a large fry, and two waters."
I speak while pulling out a ten dollar bill from my pocket.
"So what do we have today?"
Rachel zips open her backpack, sipping from her water.
"Math, science, English, literature. Ugh, a bunch of boring stuff."
I shove a few fries in my mouth and open my backpack too. We're at our normal spot, which is under a street bridge. It's actually very quiet, because not many cars drive by. It's shady too, and there's plenty of room. Plus, we get privacy, which equals lots of intimate moments.
"Let's start with math."
Rachel takes a bite of a chicken strip, covering her mouth politely.
"We have #1-45."
I open the math book while she takes out the pencils and notebook paper.
"Algebra sucks."
She mumbles and hands me a pencil.
"Tell me about it."
Then we start solving math problem after math problem. At least 20 minutes go by before we finish our part. Rachel and I share answers, which is also known as cheating. But who cares. By the time we graduate, nobody will care if we cheated or not. Plus, we understand the concept.
"Next, science. I think we have a lab worksheet to do."
She puts the math stuff away, and I pull out our worksheets and some pens.
"Pink for you. Blue for me."
I open her pencil bag and go through her whole collection of colored pens.
"Hey, you always do that."
She takes the bag from my hands and smiles jokingly at me.
"Well I can't afford $20 pens."
Shrugging, I smirk and take off the cap.
"Get a job."
She mumbles, pretending that I can't hear her.
"Be nice baby."
After writing my name on the paper, I glance at her with a smile.
"I am."
Her voice raises pitch, signaling she's smiling.
"Get to work."
Tightening my smirk, I work on the homework.
"Ok boss."
Rachel kids with me and writes something in the blank of the worksheet. Something about her smile—I don't know exactly—gives me the urge to kiss her. So I do, and I kiss her out of nowhere.
"Omigod Drew."
Rachel gasps but kisses back. I move her underneath me, providing as much love as I can without removing a layer of clothing. We kiss, deeper and more passionate by the kiss. My hands get involved, which makes her touch me.
"Get to work."
Rachel cuts the session short and smirks at me, fixing her hair.
"Shit baby."
I breathe out, bummed out from her interruption.
"Sorry. We have homework to do."
Damn, she loves teasing me. I secretly love it. It turns me on.
"Ok fine."
I trade answers with her once I fill in the blanks. We both rearrange our answers to sound like our own words, so nobody suspects us of cheating.
"Ok, time for literature. We have to read chapters 5-8."
She reads from her planner, her lip gloss smeared from a few minutes ago.
"Ugh, I hate reading."
Groaning, I lean my back against the cement wall.
"Well you're in luck. I'll read all of it, and you can get started on our essay. You're good at writing."
She winks at me, which I do to her all the time.
I open my laptop with my eyes on her. Rachel just giggles and lies against the cement with her backpack as a pillow. Her big, brown eyes flicker from side to side as she reads, and her lips move inaudibly to the words.
I pull my attention back to the essay, but I honestly could stare at her all day. I type the last two paragraphs of the essay; then I insert a bunch of vocabulary words to make it sound fancier. Then I copy and paste the essay for Rachel, wording it the way she would. By the time I finish, my head and hands ache from writing. Rachel finished reading about five minutes ago.
Perfect timing. I close the laptop, and we start putting stuff away.
"It's 5:30pm. Andre gets off at 6."
Rachel states, and I'm pretty sure we're thinking the same thing. I give her a look that tells her to say the words.
"We have 30 minutes."
She smiles and stands up.
"Let's go someplace warmer. It's freezing out here."
Taking her hand, I grab our backpacks and walk behind the bridge. There's not much around.
"Hm, post office?"
It's only across the street from here. All the other places are closed or farther away.
"Who cares."
Rachel pulls me to the post office, where we find it quiet and nearly empty.
I sit against the wall with Rachel on top of me. She kisses me first this time and I kiss back, continuing our earlier session. Her lipgloss tastes like apple and my tongue gains entrance into her mouth.
Kissing Rachel is indescribable. All I know is that she makes me feel like I'm in a totally different world. It's like the time pauses just for us, but I honestly think she has some kind of magic. I mean, nobody has ever made me feel so infinite, like I can do anything. That's impossible for a human being to do. So she must be magical. Or maybe she's an angel.

(A/N: I'm about to go to bed. Goodnight guys. Next post is on Sunday)

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