First Kiss

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(Drew's pov)
I'm about to go on my 4th date with Rachel, and shit, I still get nervous. We're going to a creek nearby. It's the perfect place to be alone. Plus, my parents said I could, as long as we be careful. I'm sure dad knows what's going to happen. He knows all the tricks and even taught me some. Tonight, I am going to kiss Rachel. I've held it off for a while now, because I wanted to show her that I'm not going for her body, I'm going for her heart. As cheesy as it sounds, I don't care. Now, it's time to speed things up.
"Man, what if she doesn't kiss back?"
Andre, my best friend, teases me. He always does this on purpose to scare me.
"It's not working bro."
We're at Uncle Khalil's house. Well, he's not exactly my uncle, but that's how close we are.
"If you need a little something to boost your confidence, I can hook you up."
Andre speaks as he puts his math homework away.
"What the hell? No."
Drugs are a straightforward no. I'm barely 15. My birthday was 3 days ago.
"Suit yourself."
Andre just think he's some badass. He only knows one guy that sells drugs, and I wouldn't even say he knows him personally. Andre hasn't even laid a hand on drugs, but he does smoke cigarettes. His dad almost killed his ass, literally. Oh, and it was hilarious too.
"What are you smirking at? You thinking 'bout Rachel, naked?"
Andre smirks while taking his shirt off. We're about to go to pick up Rachel.
"Cut it out man. I'm nervous as fuck. The last thing I want is to think about that."
I grab my black hoodie and slide it over my head.
"You know she's hot."
He puts on a wife beater and a grey hoodie while he continues to smirk.
"Whatever. Let's go."
I shove a pack of spearmint gum in my pocket along with my phone. Andre follows after me as I head downstairs.
"Bye ma, bye dad."
Andre calls to his parents when we reach the front door.
"Bye you guys. Stay safe."
Aunt Kayla waves to us from the living room. We walk outside into the chilly Canada air and start towards the park.
"You got the condoms?"
Andre and I walk beside each other in the middle of the pavement road.
"Bro, quit. It's just a kiss."
I roll my eyes and smirk at his dirty mind.
"No, it's your first kiss. It's special. Oh, and it's your chance to fuck her."
Smirking like an idiot, he plays around while nudging me.
"I'm not fucking her, man."
Hands in my pocket, I shake my head at him and nudge him back.
"Damn. Well, I'll be right by your side, watching all of it."
Andre smirks, taking advantage of his position as the third wheel.
"Whatever you say, third wheel."
I joke with him as we approach the forest that leads to the park.
"Hey, don't call me that. Consider me as your assistant. You call me in emergencies, and I'll guide you through all the steps. I can teach you how to kiss."
He says as we sit on the swing set, waiting for Rachel to meet us here.
"I know how to kiss."
Rocking back and forth, I smirk at him.
"Really? How?"
Andre has an amused grin on his face, his dark eyes lighting up.
"Trust me. I know."
I've never kissed anyone in a romantic way before, so it's difficult to understand.
"You've never kissed anyone, except your mom."
He teases me, knowing that I'm a hardcore mama's boy.
"Shut up. You're just as bad."
I tease him back while popping a piece of gum in my mouth.
"Mama's boy."
He chuckles at me, and I can't doubt it.
"Third wheel."
But I chuckle back him in the same manner.
"I'm not a-"
"Hey guys. Sorry I'm late. It took a little convincing for my parents to let me come here."
Rachel sounds behind us, making my heart skip a beat, or two.
"Oh, that's ok. How are you doing?"
Instantly, I stand up to face her. She looks flawless. Her mocha-colored hair is wavy, instead of straightened. She's wearing a navy blue hoodie with black skinny jeans. The outfit is perfect for her.
"I'm good. You?"
Rachel smiles, asking both of us. She just got her braces off a week ago, so this is perfect.
"We're good."
"Yea, everything's good."
Andre and I both reply to her as she grins beautifully.
"Great. So what are we doing here?"
She stands beside me, so I take her hand.
"We're planning on walking into the forest to the creek. Then we'll go get dinner at Cici's Pizza."
Andre explain while motioning us to follow him into the forest.
"Don't tell your parents."
I smirk at her, leading her behind Andre. We've been here so many times, so we really don't need guiding.
"Or we'll fuck you up real bad. Tell her, Drew. We run the streets 'round here."
Andre makes a fist and punches his other hand, making his voice sound like a typical gangster.
"We'll trash your house and steal all your weed."
I joke around as I help Rachel down a steep hill.
"I can't believe we still have that inside joke. Remember we used to pretend we were actually a gang?"
Rachel giggles and puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Yea, I don't think we were supposed to know about that."
I chuckle back while putting my arm around her shoulders.
"Well, be happy we didn't get caught. Ok, we're here—Oops, hold on. My mom's calling me. Be right back."
Andre gives me a look that tells me it's my chance alone with Rachel.
"Ok. Take your time."
Rachel smiles as Andre disappears into the trees.
"Let's go over here, babe."
I motion Rachel to follow me as step over a few rocks. I'm going to the other side of the creek, where it's less muddy.
"This is always so scary."
Rachel giggles, still making her way over here, as she takes my hand and steps beside me.
"Eh, I guess so."
We sit on a small, fallen tree so we're not on the hard ground.
"What? Like you're so tough, bad boy?"
She jokes around while giving me a harmless push. I chuckle and force myself to not blush.
"Hey, I'm not that bad."
I put my arm around her to make us closer. She just giggles and leans in for me.
"I like this."
She thinks out loud, but I don't think it's an accident.
"You know, we've been together for a while, uhm, and I really like you."
My heart is trying to break through my rib cage. I'm so nervous.
"I like you too."
Playing along with me, Rachel looks right at me with her wide, hazelnut-colored eyes. Her lips are coated with pink lip gloss, and her hair is blocking my view from her left eye.
"No. I mean, I really like you, as a girlfriend."
As much as it'd calm me down, I don't break eye contact with her. The adrenaline rush makes me feel amazing.
"You have very pretty eyes."
She changes the subject, making me more nervous because I'm no longer in control of the conversation.
"Yea...Well you have very kissable lips."
Then I take my only chance and press my lips against hers. It's a gentle move, and it brings me a slight relief. My hands move her hair out of her eye and touch her waist. Rachel kisses back with her hands behind my neck. It's perfect. It's just like I'd imagined.
"That was real smooth, Drew."
Rachel blushes when we break the kiss.
"I took my chances."
My lips crave to feel hers again.
"You got lucky."
She tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear.
"What'd I miss?"
Andre calls from the other side. This is perfect timing.
"A lot."
I smirk, making Rachel nudge me.
"I'm so hungry, and it's only 5:30pm."
Andre speaks as he walks over the rocks.
"I have a Milky Way."
Rachel pulls out a candy bar from her small backpack.
"Can I have it?"
Andre pounces on his chance to get the candy bar.
"We're going to share it."
She opens the candy bar as Andre looks at me, wondering if I made "the move."
"You wear lip gloss?"
Andre purposely jokes around with me, which tells me he knows I was successful. Rachel blushes as she bites her lip.
I give him a playful glare for putting my on the spot like that. Then I wipe the lip gloss from my lips.

(A/N: Once again I'm sorry for not posting yesterday. Next post is on Wednesday)

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