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Drew: 18
(Drew's pov)
"C'mon man, let's do this."
Andre nudges me while pulling out a $20 bill.
"Hold on."
I text my parents saying that I'll be home by 8; then I shove my phone in my pocket.
"I'm dying bro."
Andre hurries me, so we start towards his friend's house. We're going to buy some weed. Andre's friend Jim is our dealer.
I hate to say it, but most of the day I'm on a buzz. It's wonderful, and I've managed to hide it from my parents. The truth is that I don't care. I'm about to graduate from high school, so why not?
Plus, Rachel broke up with me and ever since then I need a distraction. I still love Rachel, and I can't stop thinking about her. Getting high sure numbs me down so I don't have to deal with the bad feelings.
I'm not sure how me and Andre got ourselves so caught up in this mess. All I know is that I've got all this under control. It's just a little weed. No harm in that.
"Hey man."
Andre and I walk up to Jim. He has dark brown hair with a black beanie on. He's a cool guy, but unlike Andre, I'm not too close to him. I'm just a customer to him and he's just a dealer to me.
"I've got $20 on me."
Andre speaks for us, showing Jim the money.
"Same as usual?"
Jim moves a cigarette to the side of his mouth while speaking.
Andre nods quickly with a hint of anxiety. I'm anxious too, because I don't want anyone to see us.
"Hey, all you guys do is weed. What do you say to trying something new. I've got Coke on me. I can hook you up for the same price."
Jim offers, and I become unsure about it. Cocaine? I'm not so sure about that. That shit can fuck me up.
"Sure. Why not?"
Andre takes the offer, but I can't make up my mind. Ugh, why not. I've got this under control. I can control this. One time.
"Don't tell anyone about this. I don't want people coming up to me."
Jim hands Andre a bag in exchange for the money; then we walk off. This is a horrible idea. This can go wrong in so many ways.
"Dude, this is sweet. C'mon let's do this."
Andre and I go into his car; then we crawl into the backseat.
Cocaine shouldn't be that bad right? It's all cool.
"Have you ever done this shit?"
I examine the white, powdery substance. It looks harmless, but I have no idea.
"I tried it once. Trust me. It's worth it. Here I'll show you how to do this."
Andre rolls up a dollar bill and pours the Coke on the car seat.
"It'll be fun."
Andre mumbles before snorting the white powder. He hands me the paper money and I study the white line.
I give into the curiosity and sniff the drug up in a quick, deep second.
At first, it's uncomfortable and stings my nose. I scrunch my nose and eyes until the feeling fades.
"Fuck. Now what?"
I rub my nose and raise my eyebrows, still feeling a little weird.
"We wait. Hey, you want to go play video games?"
Andre climbs to the front of the car and starts the engine.
I remain in the backseat and sniffle, avoiding my seatbelt. Andre starts driving as I start feeling antsy. A feeling of anticipation rushes over me. I feel hyper, like I can run miles and never get tired.
"Are we there yet?"
I hop in my seat as the feeling increases.
"Yeah. Let's go."
Andre parks the car, and I hurry out before sprinting inside the arcade. It makes me happy in an extreme way. Flashing lights fill the room, and I want to play every game. There's basketball games, video games, all kinds.
"Hey Drew, did you come by for a visit?"
A female voice calls me, and I turn around to see Teresa. She's one of my ex girlfriends from 10th grade. We were never that serious. We broke up all because I didn't want to fuck her.
"Yeah-yeah-uhm...Don't mind me."
I bounce on my toes, unsure if this interaction is good or bad.
"I won't, be right here if you need me."
Her blonde hair flicks behind her when she turns her head. Something about her makes me want to fuck her. I could fuck anyone to be honest. I could fuck Rachel, anyone. I don't care.
"Hey-uhm...Let's go to—Let's-go-to-the-bathroom."
My words slur a little from talking so fast.
"Uhm, are you on something?"
Teresa questions while walking up to me, her hips moving to her steps.
"Doesn't matter—Let's go."
I run a hand through my hair and sniffle in impatience.
"You're on coke, aren't you. Ok, I'm going."
I don't give a shit of she knows. It's not like it's affecting her.
Once I get Teresa in the bathroom, I push her on the sink and take my shirt off.
I have all this energy and I want it out.
We undress ourselves and I do my part, which is to fuck the shit out of her. Her part is to enjoy it, maybe give me a blowjob or two. I don't care. Anything's fine with me.
This is better than coffee. I could do this more often. I should do this more often. I will do this more often.
Andre's voice wakes me up, making my eyes flip open.
Where am I? What time is it?
"Dude, hurry up. It's 8pm. We're an hour late!"
Andre pulls me up from, what looks like, the bathroom floor. I see Teresa sleeping on the floor, and it hits me. I fucked her.
Ugh, what am I going to do? Rachel can't find out about this, even though we're not together. This would break her heart. I know it, because it'd break my heart if she fucked another guy.
"What the hell are you doing? Let's go!"
Andre tugs on my arm, and I pull away but follow after him. I'm exhausted and my head is killing me. Plus, everything's bothering me. I want to punch a wall.
My parents are going to question me when I get home. I'll just tell him we were watching a movie or something. Luckily Andre woke me up at 8pm, or else I would've been in some deep shit.
Coke is truly amazing. Damn, I get such a rush and it feels so good. I feel like I can do anything, conquer the world. I'd do it again, maybe a few other times too.

(A/N: So for this post I'm kind of fast forwarding a lot in Drew's life. I'm planning on writing other parts that relate to this part, so it can make more sense.👍🏼 I'm feeling a little better btw☺️ next post is on Thursday)

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