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(Justin's pov)
Justin: 29
Christie: 28
Drew: 10
Christie and I are making grilled chicken for dinner. I'm helping grill the chicken as she makes macaroni and cheese with broccoli. Drew and Baby are in the living room watching tv and playing games. He's really antsy today, so I told him I'd give him ice cream for dessert if he didn't roam around the kitchen.
"How's it going?" Christie opens the back door and calls out to me. Her voice is so innocent and harmless. It never gets old.
"It's all good babe. Can you come here real quick though?" I flip the chicken strips on the grill before shutting the lid.
"Ok, but make it quick," Christie murmurs as she steps barefoot on the backyard patio.
"Baby, I'm horny," I make a whiny voice and give her my famous puppy eyes. We haven't done anything together in weeks because of work, bills, Appointments, etc. I just want to put everything aside and spend some quality time with my wife. Plus, I can't do anything to get any pleasure, and it's not like Christie has all the time in the world. Unfortunately my DIY days are over, so she's my only option.
"Justin!—" "Oh c'mon babe. Can we do something tonight? I miss you." My eyes plead her while my hands do all the persuading, moving up her waist and under her shirt.
"You know I really want to Justin, but I have stuff to do," Christie sounds helpless and stressed out, and I know she gets that way a lot. In addition, I also know that she overthinks everything, so she's probably putting too much on her shoulders.
"We'll take care of it tomorrow. Just play along with me baby," I squeeze her tiny hands as she backs away towards the door.
"I'll think about it." And with that she steps back inside, leaving me without an answer. Ugh.

I finished grilling and Christie finishes cooking, so dinner is complete. I'm hungry, but I want Christie more. She keeps smiling at me, so hopefully that means we're doing something tonight.
"Daddy do I get ice cream now?" Drew asks innocently once he finishes his plate.
"Sure buddy," I'm just about done with my dinner too, so I stand up and head to the freezer. I grab the ice cream tub and get a scoop for Drew. "Now don't get too crazy. You've got to get to bed in a little while," I hand him the vanilla ice cream cone, and he nods before running back to the living room.
"It's going to take a while before he crashes. I guess that delays my answer," Christie enters the kitchen, playing with my emotions.
"Babe..." There's not much to say when I'm sexually frustrated. Christie just smirks and starts washing dishes. This is so aggravating, in every way. Now I have to wait about an hour and a half until Drew gets the sugar out of his system.
Finally. Drew just went to bed. It took forever for him to get tired. I feel tortured by such a long wait. Christie hasn't responded to my request, but I know she's teasing me. Now that everything's taken care of, I can get her alone.
"Christie no more waiting. Let's just do it, please," I instantly start pleading when I enter our bedroom.
"I'm tired Justin," she's kidding with me to mess with my head.
"Cut it out baby. C'mon, take your clothes off," I pull my shirt off and crawl on the bed. She fakes sleeping, her eyelashes fluttering.
"You're messing with me babe," I pull her up and hold her in my arms.
"Morning already?" Christie pretends to wake up and yawn, which I find extremely adorable.
"Christie..." I whine desperately, fall back on the bed.
"Ok fine," she rolls her eyes as she starts taking her shirt off, revealing her pink bra. Then her pants go off. Now that's more like it. I remain lying down on the bed while she crawls on top of my chest. "Do you have protection?" She places her hands on my chest in a sitting position on my boner. Fuck.
"Of course I do," pulling out a condom, I smirk at her in lust.
"Great," she smirks back before ripping the package, placing it in between my lips as she starts pulling down my boxers and her panties.
"Thanks." Her motions are sensual and I'm growing impatient. The smirk on her face tells me that she has some kind of control over me, and it's a true fact.
Then she takes the condom and fits it on me, perfect. Her body is amazing, every single inch, every single scar. I love her to death, no matter what life is ahead of us.

"Oh shit, babe," I groan as she slowly inserts me inside her, until she's sitting in a riding position. Her eyes close in pleasure with her moans filling my ears. Once I can, I grip her waist firmly.

"Mm, Justiiin," she uses my chest to start rocking back and forth on me. Fuck, she feels so good. She lowers her lips to be inches away from mine, so I don't hesitate to kiss her. Her hips start to move up and down, with my help of course. Shit, this is unbelievable. All this pleasure is fantastic, heavenly.
Christie's deep, sharp breaths and sexy moans hit against my lips, which makes me even more turned on.
"Keep going. I'm so close," I breathe out, speechless from such a high level of pleasure. Christie can't speak either, because she's also overwhelmed with pleasure. Eventually, I release from her repeated motions. It's the best thing ever, totally worth the wait.

Christie releases after me. Her mouth is parted in a very, very sexual way. Her dark hair falls everywhere, and she presses her hands into my chest. Her satisfied noises and reactions triggers another boner, so that means round two.
"Let's go again. Mine turn this time," skillfully, I manage to switch places with her. It's fairly easy, because she's light as a feather. Now I'm hovering over her, ready to start pleasuring her again.

Before either of us can recover from our orgasms, I start moving in and out of her. My hands use the bed frame to maintain my force on her.
"Justin!" Christie moans as she rolls her eyes back in fascination. She tangles her fingers into my hair. Her shaky legs wrap around me, and I can tell that she's getting weak from the pleasure. That's good, because I'm doing this the right way. I keep going on her, earning more moans and pants from my ability to please her.
"Oh, Justin, fuck...I'm about to..." Before she can finish her sentence, she tugs my hair and moans uncontrollably. It makes me grow closer again.

Even though she already came, I keep hitting her until I feel like I'm about to release again.
"Shit Christie," I hit her once last time before my climax occurs. It's so fucking awesome, and it leaves me breathless. Christie's smiling tiredly, so I take myself out of her and pull both her panties and my boxers up.
"Thank you baby," once I turn off the lights, I fall beside her and embrace her.
"Anytime." Her remark gives me the idea of doing this again tomorrow.

(A/N: I have more time to write now, so I should start posting more☺️ Next post is on Saturday/Sunday)

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