Chapter 17

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Atlantis brows furrowed as he heard voices from Marcus's room.

"Do you hear that Cassio?" he whispered to the tiny fae who gave a silent nod. They pressed their ears to the wall, a rather high voice that he was unfortunately all to familiar with.

"-make it a little clearer. I can have children and you can't. Do you think the council will allow that?"

He could hear the sound of movement, letting him know she was about to leave. With the stealth he possessed from years of training, he slithered up the wall, pressing his body against the dark ceiling.

Lilith emerged, curves catching the eye of one of the servants that passed by. However in her purple eyes he saw rather smug expression.

Atlantis turned to Cassio, who had dimmed his light when Lilith had passed by, "Can you feel Marcus?"

Cassio shut his eyes, his mind concentrating on the emotions around him before speaking, "He is sad."

Atlantis frowned, "I need to speak with Morgan about this."

The tiny fae nodded, "Aye. But what about you? Are you okay around Morgan?"

Atlantis smiled and gently tickled the fae's tummy with his finger, "Of course. I have faith that eventually Morgan will gain his memories."

He couldn't sleep that night. Not with Lilith's words ringing in his ear.

So when he rose the following morning, his reflection showed him the dark circles beneath his silver eyes, a rather haunted look emphasized by his white hair.

His doubts had gotten worse when Caspian didn't meet him that night. Perhaps he had started to become overly attached to the rather stern merman.

A soft knock sounded on the door, "Marcus?"

His head whirled, Morgan's head poking in through the door, illuminated by the purple hue of his room.

He gave a half hearted smile, "Hey Morgan. Come in."

The merman slipped in, closing the door behind him, "Are you okay Marcus? You seem rather pale."

Maybe it was the friendly air that Morgan had about him or perhaps it was the soothing rubbing of his shoulders that reminded Marcus of the brother he never had.

"I don't think I'm good enough for Caspian," Marcus murmured softly.

"Nonsense," Morgan said sternly, "As a witch I know that you two are meant for one another. I've seen it."

Marcus scoffed, "Then how am I supposed to give Caspian heirs? It's pretty obvious I can't."

Morgan said nothing, but a strange twinkle in his cat like eyes, "Come on. Let's get you dolled up. Caspian is waiting for you."

Marcus blinked at the sudden change in topic but his heart jumped inside his chest, "Really?"

The witch nodded, "He wanted to visit you before bedtime but the council held him back. Royal duties are a pain in the butt."

Marcus blushed at his insensitivity to Caspian's busy schedule. Of course, he had a kingdom to run and here he was whining like a petulant child.

Morgan caught on a gave a small laugh, "Don't worry. You'll brighten up his day if you visit him, but I can't have you visiting him like this."

Something about Morgan's wagging eyebrows made Caspian think of a conspiracy.


Caspian felt his vision blur as he poured through the documents. He had spent the night convincing the council to open trade with the Emerald and Diamond Kingdom. Some where stubborn, many of them rather surprised that Caspian was opening trade instead of waging war like he promised he would do.

In the end he was able to convince them but now he had to write the documents himself, not trusting anyone else to handle such a delicate situation. He didn't want to ruin the newfound friendship that he had forged with the two kings. It was something he was sure of. It was real, the trustworthiness that the three shared.

A knock sounded, Lilith's head peaking through, "Can I come in?"

Caspian smiled as he saw his childhood friend, "Come in. What can I help you with?"

Her curvy body slipped through, gold tattoos glittering, "How about keeping each other company?"

Caspian smiled and motioned for her to sit, "If that is what you wish."

Lilith moved closer, propping her body against his desk, "You should rest. You've been cooped up in here all night."

Caspian chuckled and shuffled the documents, "Nonsense. I need to right what I did wrong for this kingdom."

Lilith smiled and reached out to stroke Caspian's cheek, his scruff scratching the soft palm of her hands. It was gesture that they both shared since they were children, when Lilith worked among the servants.

"You overwork yourself Caspian. Perhaps a stroll through the garden may ease your stress, after your rest of course," she spoke with a smile.

Caspian shook his head and stood up, his body moving towards the small bar he had in his office, "I can't. I will finish this before I take any rest. It's the least I can do for my kingdom."

Just before Lilith could say a word, another knock sounded on the door.

"Enter," he said.

His eyes fell on the visitor, his heart nearly bursting inside his chest.

There stood his mate, silver eyes heavily lined with dark lashes, pale skin bringing out the black tattoos the covered his slender body. A crown made of coral bathed in silver rested on Marcus's white hair, complimenting the bracelets that rested on his narrow wrists. A white cloth was draped over his shoulders and covered his chest, leaving his slender neck exposed.

Caspian swallowed, "M-marcus," he breathed, his body unknowingly moving closer to the rather alluring creature.

Blush appeared over the young man's cheeks, "Hey Caspian."

"You look amazing," he said, his eyes raking over Marcus's form, his tongue darting out over his lips. His mate looked delectable and innocent, despite the numerous amount of tattoos that Caspian loved.

A smile brightened Marcus's features, "Thank you, I hoped to impress with my newfound knowledge of fashion."

Caspian grinned and pressed his lips against Marcus's soft ones, "Well you look absolutely lovely."

A scoff came from behind, catching Caspian's attention.

Lilith smiled sweetly, "I'll leave you two alone."


That's right bish. I have is attention now, Marcus thought, sending a smug grin in Lilith's way.

Lilith's gaze narrowed, a threat evident in her purple irises before she left the room. He knew she was going to retaliate for Marcus not heading her warning.

That's alright, Marcus thought, Just as long as she doesn't sink her claws into Caspian.

Marcus smiled his eyes looking into Caspian's. Their lips meet, hands rubbing Caspian's rough cheeks, bodies pressed against one another's. As they kissed Marcus swore to himself that he would always protect the king of his heart, a promise that he could feel that carved deeply into his soul.

And Marcus strikes back!
Also there's a small hint of what the god/goddess power of the Onyx Kingdom is ;3 Can y'all figure it out?

Hopefully I'll update this Friday ^.^
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